
Continuous integration for your data

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Continuous integration for your data

We do continuous integration on code. Why not data? Validata is a small package to run basic sanity checks on your data. I haven't found anything that aggregates all of these checks and tricks in one place.

There is only one method which is exposed, check(data,labels) (optionally taking data or labels). If any data check fails, it throws a well-named error, as well as hints for how you might fix the problem -- data covariance matrix ill-conditioned? Try whitening.

Initially, this will be a Python/NumPy only package running basic checks, but hopefully it becomes a resource of data sanity and sanitation checks. Still very much a work in progress.

Examples (some implemented, some not) include:

  • If your labels are one-hot, are you using all slots?
  • Is the covariance matrix of your data ill-conditioned?
  • Do you have any constant variables?
  • Can you train a classifier to distinguish train and test data, using whether they are in train or test as a label? Indicates different data distributions.
  • If you're using integer labels, are the unique labels contiguous?
  • Do you have just one unique label?
  • Is the data under different labels statistically separable?
  • If you have an old dataset and a new dataset (or two halves of the same dataset), is the distribution of each dimension stationary? Check for divergence with a KS test.
  • What else? I end up applying these tricks in a very ad hoc fashion, whenever a subtle bug pops up, and not rigorously before each project I tackle. I'd like to stuff all these tricks in one place, and run them like a unit test, or a continuous integration test, on data that I start working with.

Should probably also think about engarde