This plugin will help to create the Google Maps easier on page.
Online documentation and demonstration: (Traditional Chinese only)
Include the jQuery library and tinyMap.
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.tinyMap.js"></script>
$bower install jquery-tinyMap
Create the HTML container.
<div id="map"></div>
Setting up the container's width and height with CSS:
#map {
width: 'MAP WIDTH';
height: 'MAP HEIGHT';
Online documentation: (Traditional Chinese only)
// Basic
// Map center
'center': {
'lat': 'Lat',
'lng': 'Lng'
// or 'center': 'lat, lng'
// or 'center': [lat, lng]
// or 'center': 'ADDRESS'
// or 'center': 'N48°45.5952 E20°59.976' // WGS84 format
'zoom': 14
'marker': [
// Custom Identity string (Optional)
'id' : 'Marker ID',
// Marker place location
'addr': ['Lat', 'Lng'],
// Or address string. e.g. `1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500`
// Or Object {lat: 'lat', lng: 'lng'}
// Or latlng string 'lat, lng'
'title': 'Display on Mouseover', // (Optional)
'text': 'Display in infoWindow', // (Optional)
'icon': 'http://domain/icon.png' // (Optional)
// You could define own properties by yourself.
'hello': 'yes'
// Binding Click event
'event': function () {
console.log(this.text); // Get marker's text property.
console.log(; // Get markers' position.
// Access own property
/* More events
'event': {
'click': function (event) {...},
'mouseover': function (event) {...}
/* or Run Once
'event': {
'click': {
'func': function () {...}
'once': true / false
'mouseover': {
// Methods
// e.g. Move map center to the location.
$(selector).tinyMap('panTo', 'Address string');
$(selector).tinyMap('panTo', ['Lat', 'Lng']);
$(selector).tinyMap('panTo', {lat: 'Lat', lng: 'Lng'});
// Dynamic setting up
// e.g. Disable draggable
$(selector).tinyMap('modify', {
'draggable': false
//Resetting zoom level
'zoom': 16
// e.g. Insert markers
$(selector).tinyMap('modify', {
'marker': [
{'addr': '...'},
{'addr': '...'},
// e.g. Move the specified marker to new location.
$(selector).tinyMap('modify', {
'marker': [
{'id': 'Marker ID', 'addr': ['lat', 'lng']},
{'id': 'Marker ID', 'addr': ['lat', 'lng']},
// Query LatLng from Address
$(selector).tinyMap('query', 'Taipei 101, Taiwan', function (addr) {
console.log(; // Latitude
console.log(addr.geometry.location.lng()); // Longitude
// Query Address from LatLng
$(selector).tinyMap('query', ['25.034516521123315','121.56496524810791'], function (addr) {
console.log(addr.formatted_address); //110台灣台北市信義區信義連通天橋(臺北101至Att4Fun)
// Support multiple format of LatLng
$(selector).tinyMap('query', {lat: 25.034516521123315, lng: 121.56496524810791}, function...);
$(selector).tinyMap('query', '25.034516521123315, 121.56496524810791', function...);
Get layers on the map.
// Get specified layer
var layer = $(selector).tinyMap('get', 'marker');
// Or multiple layers
var layers = $(selector).tinyMap('get', 'marker,direction');
// Get specified items of layer
var layers = $(selector).tinyMap('get', {
'marker': [0, 2] // Get the 1st and 3rd markers. (Index must be integer)
'polyline': ['A', 'C'] // Get the matched Id of polylines.
'circle': [0, 'A'] // Also could be mixed.
// Get map instance
var map = $(selector).tinyMap('get', 'map');
// Callback
$(selector).tinyMap('get', 'marker', function (items) {
Clear specitied items of layers.
// Clear overlayers
// @param {Object} layer Layer Object.
$(selector).tinyMap('clear', 'marker,polyline...');
// Specified items in layer
$(selector).tinyMap('clear', {
'marker': [0, 2] // Remove the 1st and 3rd markers. (Index must be integer)
'polyline': ['A', 'C'] // Remove the matched Id of polylines.
'circle': [0, 'A'] // Also could be mixed.
'direction': [] // Empty array for remove all of them.
// Clear all layers
Close all opened infoWindow of layers.
// Close all infoWindows of layers
// @param {Object} layer Layer Object.
$(selector).tinyMap('close', 'marker,polyline...');
// Specified items in layer
$(selector).tinyMap('close', {
'marker': [0, 2] // Remove the 1st and 3rd markers. (Index must be integer)
'polyline': ['A', 'C'] // Remove the matched Id of polylines.
'circle': [0, 'A'] // Also could be mixed.
'direction': [] // Empty array for remove all of them.
// Close all infoWindows of layers
// Overlays KML output
// Get the kml string.
var kml = $(selector).tinyMap('getKML');
// Or using options:
$(selector).tinyMap('getKML', {
'download': false, // TRUE for direct download the KML file.
'marker': true, // Include marker overlay
'polyline': true, // Include polyline overlay
'polygon': true, // Include polygon overlay
'circle': true, // Include circle overlay
'direction': true // Include direction overlay
You could setup the API before using the tinyMap.
// Set up before tinyMap executes.
// Google Maps API location
'api': '//',
// Map Lanuguage
'language': 'zh-TW',
// Google Maps API Libraries
'libraries': 'adsense, geometry...',
// MarkerClusterer library location
'clusterer': '//'
// Then executes.
// Create the map first.
var map = $(selector);
// Get the instance from map.
var instance ='tinyMap');
// Access map class
var map =;
// Get markers directly
var markers = instance._markers;
// Or access via `get` method.
var markers = instance.get('marker');
// browse all available methods:
This plugin is released under the MIT License.