Creating Synthetic Datasets for LLM Fine-Tuning: Multilingual and News Domains

This project is a comprehensive data management system that includes various functionalities such as data scraping, clustering, and fine-tuning of language models like Llama 3 and Gemma.

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The project is structured as follows:

  • dataset_multilingual_finetuning.ipynb: This Jupyter notebook is used for creating a multilingual dataset for fine-tuning.

  • dataset_news.ipynb: This Jupyter notebook is used for creating a news dataset.

  • requirements.txt: This file lists the Python dependencies required by the project.

  • classes/: This directory contains the main classes used in the project, including:

    • clustering/: Contains the ClusteringProcessor class for processing clusters and generating summaries.
    • Contains the DatabaseHandler class for handling database operations.
    • embeddings/: Contains the TextEmbeddings class for handling text embeddings.
    • llm/: Contains the assistant_message and concat_list_elements functions for language model operations.
    • scrapers/: Contains the link_element function for scraping data from various sources.
  • finetuning/: This directory contains Jupyter notebooks for fine-tuning language models.

  • metrics/: This directory contains Jupyter notebooks for calculating and visualizing various metrics.

  • backups/: This directory contains backup files for the project.

  • img/: This directory contains image files used in the project.


To set up the project, you need to install the required dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, you can run the Jupyter notebooks in the finetuning/ and metrics/ directories to fine-tune the language models and calculate the metrics, respectively.


The project uses various datasets, which are processed and stored in the backups/ directory. The datasets are used for fine-tuning the language models and for clustering.


Contributions to this project are welcome. Please feel free to open an issue or submit