Generate Spring AI functions from OpenAPI spec to be used with LLMs. Connect existing APIs with LLMs.
Each OpenAPI operation will be converted into a Function
and register to
Spring context.
library is used to minimize external dependencies.
See example.
See pom.xml of the example. Add the custom generator as a dependency of OpenAPI Generator Maven plugin.
For each API defined in OpenAPI spec, a Spring Configuration
will be
generated. For each operation, the generator will generate:
- A record for request type.
- A record for response type.
- A bean of
to invoke the corresponding operation.
See the sample configuration below.
public class UniversitiesApiSpringAiFunctionConfiguration {
public record Request_searchUniversities(String country, Integer limit) {
public record Response_searchUniversities(List<University> value) {
@Description("Search universities")
public Function<Request_searchUniversities, Response_searchUniversities> searchUniversities(
UniversitiesApi apiInvoker) {
return (request) -> {
try {
return new Response_searchUniversities(
apiInvoker.searchUniversities(, request.limit()));
} catch (ApiException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
To use the generated OpenAPI client in Spring AI:
Add the library into your project.
Import the
or use component scanning.
- Declare an API bean.
public UniversitiesApi universitiesApi() {
return new UniversitiesApi();
- Use the function in Spring AI.
See here for a guide of how to use functions with OpenAI.
is the name of an operation defined in the OpenAPI spec,
which is also the name of function to call.
OpenAiChatClient chatClient = ...
UserMessage userMessage = new UserMessage(
"Find 10 universities in United Kingdom, output the name and website in CSV format.");
ChatResponse response = Prompt(List.of(userMessage),
.build())); // (1) Enable the function