
A command line interface to Hacker News

Primary LanguageC#


This repository contains my solution for the "Hacker News Scraper Test".

Update: 23/09/2019

  • Removed unnecessary library reference to Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client. This was left over from an earlier iteration.
  • Fixed an issue where job posts would cause the scrape to fail. I did not encounter this case during my initial implementation, so I wasn't aware it was a valid scenario. Note: Job posts conflict with the "author is a non empty string" requirement, as they have no author. Because of this, in the case of job posts in the range being scraped, they will simply be ommitted from the results output to the console. (This may mean that the rank of the last scraped post is greater than the number of posts requested.)

Assumptions Made

  • While using a third party Hacker News API was not allowed, there is an official Hacker News API. I assumed that the purpose of this exercise was to write a tool which scraped the Hacker News HTML rather than one which called their API.

How To Run


This project requires the .NET Core 2.2 SDK installed in order to build and run the application. If this is not the case, download and install the appropriate SDK version for your platform from The official .NET Core 2.2 Downloads Page.


Run build.bat from the root directory. This will build, test, and publish the project. The final project will be published to the ./bin directory.


To run, having run build.bat, run (from the ./bin directory):

dotnet .\HackerNewsCli.dll --posts <number-of-posts>

Building and Running with Docker

The application can be built and run using the supplied Dockerfile.

To do so, run

docker build . -t hackernews

followed by

docker run hackernews --posts 25

Libraries Used

  • AngleSharp and AngleSharp.IO are used for the parsing of HTML into a DOM and querying the DOM using CSS selectors.
  • Newtonsoft.Json was used for JSON serialization when formatting data for STDOUT.
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder and Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.CommandLine were used to facilitate parsing of command line arguments.
  • Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection was included to allow the .NET Core IoC container to be used in order to wire up the components of the application.
  • NUnit, NUnit3TestAdapter, Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk and Moq are used to enable unit testing.