
A few graph-related algorithms written in Java

Primary LanguageJava

Problem 1 - Cycle

The Graph and Vertex files contain the implementation for the directed non-weighted graph used for this problem. The graph's edges are stored as a Map with Vertex keys and lists of adjacent vertices as values. A slightly modified version of the DFS algorithm has been used to find if the graph contains a cycle or not. If the program detects a back edge (and edge that points to an ancestor in the DFS tree, which is represented by a GRAY colored node, meaning that we are not done exploring that node) it means the graph contains a cycle.

For problems 2 and 3 the WeightedGraph implementation has been used, which represents vertices by their Integer labels and uses the Edge class to store adjacent vertices and the weights.

Problem 2 - Shortest path in a DAG

To find the shortest path from the source to all other nodes in a DAG, a Topological Sort is performed, and the nodes are traversed in that order, updating the distances accordingly until the end.

Problem 3 - Shortest path in a small range weight graph

Because we know that the weights of the edges can be at most 30, we can use Dial's algorithm which is a modified version of Dijkstra that uses buckets instead of a priority queue or min-heap. A bucket i is used to store the nodes with distance i from the source. The buckets are traversed starting from 0 to the maximum distance value (the number of nodes * the maximum weight) and the distances and buckets are updated along the way similarly to dijkstra's algorithm.