
Merging Lua source files and resources for TI-Nspire projects

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This Python script merges multiple Lua source files and images into one Lua file for TI-Nspire projects.

This project is inspired by DaveDuck321's TI-Resource-Merge (MIT license) and uses its image conversion mechanism, however the rest was re-written from scratch to provide a more stable CLI interface and more options.

The generated file can be either pasted into TI Student Software or be compiled using Luna.


usage: nspire-merge [-h] [--resources RESOURCES] [--out OUT] [--strip] [--api-version API_VERSION] input_files [input_files ...]

positional arguments:
  input_files           specify input files

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --resources RESOURCES
                        load images from folder (default 'res/')
  --out OUT             write output to file (default 'out.lua')
  --strip               strip out blank lines and comments
  --api-version API_VERSION
                        specify api version (default '2.2')

Note: api version 2.2 is the last version that supports inline-images. For newer versions, you would need to paste the code into the TI Student Software and import images manually.



  • PIL / Pillow

Can be installed using make deps.

Installing through the AUR on Arch Linux

This project is available on the AUR as nspire-merge. Either install it manually or use an AUR helper of your choice.

Install using make

Install the script to /usr/local/bin:

sudo make install


sudo make uninstall or sudo rm -vi /usr/local/bin/nspire-merge /usr/local/share/man/man1/nspire-merge.