kevin. PHP Client

PHP client implementing kevin. API.


  • PHP 5.6 or later



  1. To install latest kevin. PHP Client repository using composer:
composer require getkevin/kevin-php
  1. Using Composer autoloader, include kevin. PHP Client:

Detailed information about available versions can be found at packagist repository:

Usage Examples

Parameter names and response data match those defined in API documentation.

Detailed API documentation can be found here.


use Kevin\Client;

$clientId = 'my-client-id';
$clientSecret = 'my-client-secret';
$options = ['error' => 'array', 'version' => '0.3', 'lang' => 'en'];

$kevinClient = new Client($clientId, $clientSecret, $options);

$clientId - Your client id. Your can get it in kevin. platform console.

$clientSecret - Your client secret. Your can get it in kevin. platform console.

$options - Optional options array.

  • error - Defines return type of error data. Possible values are: array - returns an array on error, exception - throws an exception on error, default value is exception.

  • version - Selects API versions to use. Default value is 0.3. Possible values are 0.1, 0.2 or 0.3.

  • lang - a two-letter lowercase language code defined in ISO 639-1 standart. Sets the language of the frame page.

1. Authentication

1.1 Get supported countries

$response = $kevinClient->auth()->getCountries();

1.2 Get supported banks

$attr = ['countryCode' => 'LT'];
$response = $kevinClient->auth()->getBanks($attr);

1.3 Get supported bank

$bankId = 'SEB_LT_SAND';
$response = $kevinClient->auth()->getBank($bankId);

1.4 Get project settings

$response = $kevinClient->auth()->getProjectSettings();

1.5 Start authentication

$attr = [
    'redirectPreferred' => 'false',
    'scopes' => 'payments,accounts_basic',
    'Request-Id' => 'your-guid',
    'Redirect-URL' => ''
$response = $kevinClient->auth()->authenticate($attr);

1.6 Receive token

$attr = ['code' => 'your-auth-code'];
// ...or $attr = 'your-auth-code';
$response = $kevinClient->auth()->receiveToken($attr);

1.7 Refresh token

$attr = ['refreshToken' => 'your-refresh-token'];
// ...or $attr = 'your-refresh-token';
$response = $kevinClient->auth()->refreshToken($attr);

1.8 Receive token content

$attr = ['Authorization' => 'your-bearer-token'];
// ...or $attr = 'your-bearer-token';
// ...or $attr = 'Bearer your-bearer-token';
$response = $kevinClient->auth()->receiveTokenContent($attr);

2. Payment

2.1 Initiate bank payment

Take a note that the example below is for the v0.3 only. The v0.1 and v0.2 requires a slightly different body.

$attr = [
    'Redirect-URL' => '',
    'description' => 'Test',
    'currencyCode' => 'EUR',
    'amount' => '0.01',
    'bankPaymentMethod' => [
        'endToEndId' => '1',
        'creditorName' => 'John Smith',
        'creditorAccount' => [
            'iban' => 'LT144010051005081586'
$response = $kevinClient->payment()->initPayment($attr);

2.2 Initiate card payment

$attr = [
    'Redirect-URL' => '',
    'description' => 'Test',
    'currencyCode' => 'EUR',
    'amount' => '0.01',
    'bankPaymentMethod' => [
        'endToEndId' => '1',
        'creditorName' => 'John Smith',
        'creditorAccount' => [
            'iban' => 'LT144010051005081586',
    'cardPaymentMethod' => [],
    'paymentMethodPreferred' => 'card',
$response = $kevinClient->payment()->initPayment($attr);

2.3 Initiate hybrid payment

$attr = [
    'Redirect-URL' => '',
    'description' => 'Test',
    'currencyCode' => 'EUR',
    'amount' => '0.01',
    'bankPaymentMethod' => [
        'endToEndId' => '1',
        'creditorName' => 'John Smith',
        'creditorAccount' => [
            'iban' => 'LT144010051005081586'
    'cardPaymentMethod' => [],
$response = $kevinClient->payment()->initPayment($attr);

2.4 Get payment

$paymentId = 'your-payment-id';
$response = $kevinClient->payment()->getPayment($paymentId);

2.5 Get payment status

$paymentId = 'your-payment-id';
$response = $kevinClient->payment()->getPaymentStatus($paymentId);

2.6 Initiate payment refund

$paymentId = 'your-payment-id';
$attr = [
    'amount' => '1.00',
    'Webhook-URL' => ''
$response = $kevinClient->payment()->initiatePaymentRefund($paymentId, $attr);

2.7 Get payment refunds

$paymentId = 'your-payment-id';
$response = $kevinClient->payment()->getPaymentRefunds($paymentId);

3. Account

3.1 Get accounts

Take a note that the example below is for the v0.3 only. The v0.1 and v0.2 requires a slightly different body.

$accessToken = 'your-bearer-token';
$attr = [
    'Authorization' => $accessToken,
    'PSU-IP-Address' => 'your-ip-address',
    'PSU-User-Agent' => 'your-user-agent',
    'PSU-IP-Port' => 'your-ip-port',
    'PSU-Http-Method' => 'GET',
    'PSU-Device-ID' => 'your-device-id'
$response = $kevinClient->account()->getAccountList($attr);

3.2 Get account details

$accountId = 'your-account-id';
$accessToken = 'your-bearer-token';
$attr = [
    'Authorization' => $accessToken,
    'PSU-IP-Address' => 'your-ip-address',
    'PSU-User-Agent' => 'your-user-agent',
    'PSU-IP-Port' => 'your-ip-port',
    'PSU-Http-Method' => 'GET',
    'PSU-Device-ID' => 'your-device-id'
$response = $kevinClient->account()->getAccountDetails($accountId, $attr);

3.3 Get account transactions

$accountId = 'your-account-id';
$accessToken = 'your-bearer-token';
$attr = [
    'Authorization' => $accessToken,
    'PSU-IP-Address' => 'your-ip-address',
    'PSU-User-Agent' => 'your-user-agent',
    'PSU-IP-Port' => 'your-ip-port',
    'PSU-Http-Method' => 'GET',
    'PSU-Device-ID' => 'your-device-id',
    'dateFrom' => '2021-09-01',
    'dateTo' => '2021-09-15'
$response = $kevinClient->account()->getAccountTransactions($accountId, $attr);

3.4 Get account balance

$accountId = 'your-account-id';
$accessToken = 'your-bearer-token';
$attr = [
    'Authorization' => $accessToken,
    'PSU-IP-Address' => 'your-ip-address',
    'PSU-User-Agent' => 'your-user-agent',
    'PSU-IP-Port' => 'your-ip-port',
    'PSU-Http-Method' => 'GET',
    'PSU-Device-ID' => 'your-device-id'
$response = $kevinClient->account()->getAccountBalance($accountId, $attr);

4. Security

4.1 Verify signature

We recommend ignoring the webhook if the signature is older than 5 minutes.

use Kevin\SecurityManager;

$endpointSecret = 'your-endpoint-secret';
$webhookUrl = 'your-webhook-url';

// Timestamp is provided in milliseconds
$timestampTimeout = 300000;

$requestBody = file_get_contents("php://input");
$headers = getallheaders();

$isValid = SecurityManager::verifySignature($endpointSecret, $requestBody, $headers, $webhookUrl, $timestampTimeout);


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