A selection of (very) short scripts for analyzing microbial genomes. I have created this repository as a place to store and share any useful scripts for analyzing microbial genomes.
Calculates number of reads, coverage, and breadth of coverage of reads mapping to a set of regions (presumably genes). Called like so:
python count_reads.py genes.pos example.sorted.bam 200
Where genes.pos is a file formatted like:
14_0903_02_20cm_scaffold_13826 7320 7544
14_0903_02_20cm_scaffold_5262 27 1703
14_0903_02_20cm_scaffold_5308 3879 5147
14_0903_02_20cm_scaffold_5308 5156 5650
Calculates GC% for a window size across a genome. Default is 10 kbp, and can be changed in the code if needed.
python gc_window.py genome.fna
Translates a FASTA file of DNA sequences in all 6 reading frames, ignoring start / stops.
python translate_all_frames.py sequences.fna
Calculates the isoelectric points for all proteins in a proteome and outputs in a list which can be easily imported into R . Useful for showing the isoelectric point distribution of a new halophilic proteome.
python isoelectric.py proteins.faa
Calculates codon frequencies for a set of sequences in a FASTA file (e.g. gene sequences, such as in a .ffn file).
python codon_freq.py genes.ffn
Naively simulates a metagenomic assembly by taking in a directory of genomes and generating randomly sized and spaced contigs from those genomes.
python simulate_assembly.py ./directory_with_fasta_genomes/
Generates random subsets of N reads for a batch of fasta files in a directory. Useful if you want to quickly get a random sample of reads for a large number of samples.
perl batchRandomSequences.pl DIRECTORYNAME N
Filters a contig file to a minimum contig length.
python filter_contigs.py contigs.fna min_contig_length
Basic demonstration of how to import training data and create a random forest classifier using sklearn.
concatenating multiple gene / protein alignments.
python concat_alignments.py ./directory_with_alignments/*.fa
Automatically / recursively downloads genomes from NCBI's FTP.
A script for filtering contigs by comparing them to specific known reference proteomes. The input is the blast results of the predicted prodigal products of the contigs to a database of the known reference proteomes and the predicted protein fasta file itself.