
A MOD, S3M and XM module player for JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A module player in pure JavaScript that plays MOD, S3M and XM files in modern browsers. For a working example see http://scriptracker.cheerful.nl.

Supported browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera.

Current version is 1.1.1, 25th January 2016

##Demo Check out my stylish player at http://scriptracker.cheerful.nl!

##Install Download the latest ScripTracker build and include the script in your html file:

<script type="text/javascript" src="scriptracker-1.1.1.min.js"></script>

##Usage Here are some basic usage examples. More API documentation will follow...

####Playing a song

function onSongLoaded(player) {

var modPlayer = new ScripTracker();
modPlayer.on(ScripTracker.Events.playerReady, onSongLoaded);

####Stopping playback and rewind to beginning


####Fast forwarding and reversing


####Event Handling The following events are available...

#####Module loaded, player ready The playerReady event is dispatched whenever a new module is fully loaded and ScripTracker is ready to start playback. The event handler always receives the player instance on which the song can be played, song name and number of orders. Playback of a song can only be started after the playerReady event has been received.

function onSongLoaded(player, songName, songLength) {
    console.log("Song '" + songName + "' ready to be played (" + songLength + " orders).");

var modPlayer = new ScripTracker();
modPlayer.on(ScripTracker.Events.playerReady, onSongLoaded);

#####Playback started ScripTracker dispatches the play event when song playback has started or resumed after it was stopped before.

modPlayer.on(ScripTracker.Events.play, onPlay);
function onPlay(player) {
    console.log("Playback has started, enjoy the music! :)");

#####Playback stopped When playback is stopped ScripTracker dispatches the stop event with the player instance that has stopped.

modPlayer.on(ScripTracker.Events.stop, onStop);
function onStop(player) {
    console.log("Playback has stopped.");

#####Song end reached When the end of a song is reached or the song repeats the songEnded event is dispatched.

modPlayer.on(ScripTracker.Events.songEnded, onSongEnd);
function onSongEnd(player) {
    console.log("Song has ended.");

#####New order starts The first tick of the irst row of a pattern triggers the order event. It can be used to detect song progress and receives the current order number, total number of orders in the song and pattern index as additional parameters to the player instance.

modPlayer.on(ScripTracker.Events.order, onOrder);
function onOrder(player, currentOrder, songLength, patternIndex) {
    console.log("Playing order " + currentOrder + " of " + songLength + " (Pattern " + patternndex + ").");

#####Player row changes To detect a new row being played ScripTracker dispatches the row event. It receives the current ScripTracker instance, current row index an the number of rows in the current pattern as parameters.

modPlayer.on(ScripTracker.Events.row, onRow);
function onRow(player, currentRow, patternRows) {
    console.log("Row " + currentRow + " of " + patternRows + ".");

#####Instrument trigger detection ScripTracker can dispatch an event when a certain instrument is triggered with the instrument event. Setting up this event requires one additional parameter to set the instrument number ScripTracker will listen to. When an instrument event is sent you will get the following parameters besides the ScripTracker instance: instrumentNumber, channel, note, effect, effectParameter.

modPlayer.on(ScripTracker.Events.instrument, 3, onInstrument);
function onInstrument(player, instrument, channel, note, effect, effectParam) {
    console.log("Instrument " + instrument + " playing note " + note + " on channel " + channel + ".");

#####Effect trigger detection Besides listening to instrument triggers ScripTracker can also listen for effects being triggered with the effect event. To set up this event an additional effect parameter is required to which ScripTracker will listen. Besides the ScripTracker instance you will receive the effect, effectParameter, channel, instrumentNumber and note parameters when the effect event is dispatched.

modPlayer.on(ScripTracker.Events.effect, Effects.SET_VOLUME, onEffect);
function onEffect(player, effect, effectParam, channel, instrument, note) {
    console.log("Setting volume of instrument " + instrument + " on channel " + channel + " to " + effectParam + ".");

#####Removing an event handler To remove an event handler use the off function with the event and handler to remove. If the handler is omitted all handlers of the given event are removed. The instrument and effect events also require the additional instrument number or effect to be defined.

modPlayer.off(ScripTracker.Events.play, onPlay);
modPlayer.off(ScripTracker.Events.instrument, 3, onInstrument);
modPlayer.off(ScripTracker.Events.effect, Effects.SET_VOLUME, onEffect);