
A list of various scripts that compliment pass - the standard unix password manager

Primary LanguageShell

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Password-Store Scripts

A list of various scripts that compliment pass.

To install copy the scripts you want to ~/.password-store/.extensions

pass ages

List all passwords with their last generated date, last modified date, and created date If the commit message contains the word generated it assumes that commit generated a new password


$ pass ages
Password            | Last Generated | Last Modified  | Created
work/aws/my-product | -              | 11 months ago  | 1 year, 2 months ago
personal/keybase    | -              | 32 hours ago   | 32 hours ago
personal/amazon     | 3 years ago    | 3 years ago    | 3 years ago
personal/github     | 1 month ago    | 2 weeks ago    | 5 years ago
work/stripe         | 11 minutes ago | 11 minutes ago | 2 weeks ago

pass insecure

List all passwords with a non-secure protocol for the URL field


$ pass insecure
Insecure protocol -- personal/github (URL: http://github.com/)

pass older-than [age]

Gets passwords that haven't been changed since the passed date/commit


To get passwords that were last modified over 3 months ago:

$ pass older-than 3 months ago

To get passwords modified over 1 year ago:

$ pass older-than 1 year ago