
Download YouTube videos to S3 using Lambda powered by ytdl.

Deploy and Test

You need an up-to-date AWS CLI installed and configured on your machine and Node.js v12.

If you never worked with aws cloudformation package before, create an S3 bucket that stores the ZIP files that the package command generates. Run the following command and replace YOUR_BUCKET with a unique bucket name: aws s3 mb s3://YOUR_BUCKET.

Run the following commands (replace $BUCKET with your S3 bucket name to store ZIP files) to package the source code:

aws cloudformation package --s3-bucket $BUCKET --template-file template.yml --output-template-file .packaged.yml

Your output will look like this:

Uploading to 864a6c31b9b19e4abfba8d28d719b9a8  8460482 / 8460482.0  (100.00%)
Successfully packaged artifacts and wrote output template to file .packaged.yml.
Execute the following command to deploy the packaged template:
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file .../.packaged.yml --stack-name <YOUR STACK NAME>

Now it's time to deploy the CloudFormation stack (replace $STACK with your desired name):

aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name $STACK --template-file .packaged.yml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Your output will look like this:

Waiting for changeset to be created..
Waiting for stack create/update to complete
Successfully created/updated stack - $STACK

Create a REST API to invoke your function

Find the same steps, with detailed explanations, in the AWS Lambda Docs.

aws apigateway create-rest-api --name $STACK

Grab the id from the response; from now on we will refer to it as $API

aws apigateway get-resources --rest-api-id $API

Grab the id from the response; from now on we will refer to it as $PARENT

aws apigateway create-resource --rest-api-id $API --path-part $STACK --parent-id $PARENT

Grab the id from the response; from now on we will refer to it as $RESOURCE

aws apigateway put-method --rest-api-id $API --resource-id $RESOURCE --http-method GET --authorization-type NONE

In the following commands:

  • $REGION refers to the region where you want the API to be deployed;
  • $ACCOUNT refers to your account id (find it in your Console account settings)
aws apigateway put-integration --rest-api-id $API --resource-id $RESOURCE --http-method GET --type AWS_PROXY --integration-http-method GET \
--uri arn:aws:apigateway:$REGION:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:$REGION:$ACCOUNT:function:$STACK
aws apigateway put-method-response --rest-api-id $API --resource-id $RESOURCE --http-method GET \
--status-code 200 --response-models application/json=Empty
aws apigateway put-integration-response --rest-api-id $API --resource-id $RESOURCE --http-method GET \
--status-code 200 --response-templates application/json=""
aws apigateway create-deployment --rest-api-id $API --stage-name prod
aws lambda add-permission --function-name $STACK --statement-id apigateway-test-2 --action lambda:InvokeFunction \
--principal --source-arn "arn:aws:execute-api:$REGION:$ACCOUNT:$API/*/GET/$STACK"
aws lambda add-permission --function-name $STACK --statement-id apigateway-prod-2 --action lambda:InvokeFunction \
--principal --source-arn "arn:aws:execute-api:$REGION:$ACCOUNT:$API/prod/GET/$STACK"

To clean up:

  • empty the S3 bucket that stores your video
  • remove the CloudFormation stack you created
  • remove the API gateway you created


GET https://$API.execute-api.$$STACK?videoId=<ANY PUBLIC YOUTUBE VIDEO ID>


GET https://$API.execute-api.$$STACK?videoUrl=<ANY PUBLIC YOUTUBE VIDEO URL>


GET https://$API.execute-api.$$STACK?videoId=<ANY PUBLIC YOUTUBE VIDEO ID>&path=/some/folder/path/in/the/s3/bucket

Note See the queryParameters in index.js.


  "bucketName": "test",
  "path": "xyz.mp4",
  "url": "s3://test/xyz.mp4"


  • The download from YouTube and upload to S3 must finish within 15 minutes (I have not found a video that was too big).