Classic Pinball game made with Rogue Engine, a ThreeJS based game engine created by @BeardScript
- Mobile version
- CannonJS Trimesh colliders are awesome and super easy to use. However, for collisions with high speed, basic shapes works better. I have to add some basic-collider to certain areas where the ball sometimes gets stuck.
- Create an Audiomanager to manage all audio files and their playback.
- Improve the bounce of the ball with flippers when they move, still not very natural.
- Most of the materials are MeshStandardMaterial, maybe I can use another materials with better performance.
- Static UI files works in browser, but Rogue can't find them inside the Editor
- Better management of load times so that the creation of the scene is not seen before the title
- Improve UI
- Clone this project.
- Open Rogue Engine.
- Select open project.
- Navigate to the project folder.
- Select it and click open.
- In the project view, go to Assets/Scenes/
- Open RoguePinball.rogueScene
- Enjoy!