TypeScript Linked Modules Example

This repo is to test linked NPM packages that are created using TypeScript. The repo contains two TypeScript Node.js projects: parent-package and child-package. The parent-package is configured so that the TypeScript compiler will generate d.ts defintion files for the child-package project to consume. By providing the TypeScript definition files, the child-package project gets full type fidelity without having to have direct access to the parent-package project .ts files.

Linking the Packages

  1. From the command line, browse to the ./parent-package folder.
  2. Run the command npm link.
  3. Browse to the ./child-package folder.
  4. Run the command npm link parent-package. Now the child-package project will have access to the parent-package types and should successfully build.

Building the Projects

The projects in this repo are intended to be opened in their own Visual Studio Code windows in order to properly model the relationship between the two packages. So, instead of opening the root of the repo into VS Code, open the ./parent-package and ./child-package folders into their own VS Code windows using the File > Open menu item or running the command code . from the command line within each of the respective folders.