This class provides simple application routine with more complex rendering and error handling.
In Application class routes may return only strings. But CommonApplication class allows you to return arrays of string which will be placed in the template placeholders.
Simple example:
class ExampleApplication extends CommonApplication
* Constructor.
function __construct( $template )
parent::__construct( $template );
function actionSimplePage()
return [
'title' => 'Route title' ,
'main' => 'Route main'
Here route's handler generates two parts of the page /simple-page/ - 'title' and 'main'. These two part will be inserted into {title} and {main} placeholders respectively.
More complex example:
class ExampleApplication extends CommonApplication
* Constructor.
function __construct($template)
function actionSimplePage()
return [
'title' => 'Route title' ,
'main' => new View('Generated main content')
Here we pass instance of the class View (or any class derived from View) to the application page compilator. It will call View::render method which must return compiled html content.
You can also keep al routes in configs. You can use json configs:
"route": "/route1/",
"callback": "route1",
"method": "GET"
"route": "/route2/",
"callback": "route2",
"method": ["GET","POST"]
This data must be stored in the './conf/' dir of your project. Or load configs explicitly as shown below (using method loadRoutesFromConfig).
And we also need these methods in the application class.
class ExampleApplication extends CommonApplication
* Constructor.
function __construct($template)
// loading config on custom path
function route1()
return [
// here result
function route2()
return [
// here result
Note that you can load multiple configs with one call of the method loadRoutesFromConfigs
function __construct($template)
$this->loadRoutesFromConfigs(['./conf/my/routes.json', './conf/my-routes.php']);
Or the same:
function __construct($template)