
Got units? Convert them! Parse length, angle and resolution CSS values and convert between units.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Travis CI status Coveralls status dependencies status devDependencies status

Sauce Labs status


Parse length and angle CSS values and convert between units.

Supported units:

Length: %, ch, cm, em, ex, in, mm, pc, pt, px, rem, vh, vmax, vmin, vw

Angle: deg, grad, rad, turn


Bower: bower install -S units-css

npm: npm i -S units-css

(One object is exported:)

var units = require('units-css');


#parse(value, property)

Extract the numeric value and unit from a formatted CSS value:

units.parse('1px'); // {'value': 1, 'unit': 'px'}

Or, passing only a value or only a unit:

units.parse(1);    // {'value': 1, 'unit': ''}
units.parse('px'); // {'value': 0, 'unit': 'px'}

Optionally pass a CSS property name as the second argument to enable property-specific defaults:

// Absent units
units.parse(1, 'width');   // {'value': 1, 'unit': 'px'}
units.parse(1, 'opacity'); // {'value': 1, 'unit': ''}
units.parse(1, 'rotate');  // {'value': 1, 'unit': 'deg'}

// Absent values
units.parse('', 'width');   // {'value': 0, 'unit': 'px'}
units.parse('', 'opacity'); // {'value': 1, 'unit': ''}

transform should not be passed directly as the property name - instead specify a transform keyword (e.g. rotate).

#convert(to, value, element, property)

Convert a formatted CSS value to a different unit (see supported units). For example:

units.convert('cm', '12px'); // 0.3175

Conversions to/from %, ch, em, ex require an element be passed as the third argument. This should be the element to which the converted CSS value applies/will apply:

units.convert('em', '16px', document.getElementById('some-element')); // 1em

Conversions to/from % require a CSS property name (e.g. width) be passed as the fourth argument. This should be the matching property name for the converted CSS value:

units.convert('%', '16px', document.getElementById('some-element'), 'translateX'); // 10%

transform should not be passed directly as the property name - instead specify a transform keyword (e.g. rotate).


Get a default numeric value for a CSS property:

units.getDefaultValue('opacity');    // 1
units.getDefaultValue('scale');      // 1
units.getDefaultValue('scale3d');    // 1
units.getDefaultValue('scaleX');     // 1
units.getDefaultValue('scaleY');     // 1
units.getDefaultValue('scaleZ');     // 1
units.getDefaultValue('lineHeight'); // 1

All other properties will return 0, for example:

units.getDefaultValue('width'); // 0


Get a default unit for a CSS property:

units.getDefaultUnit('opacity');    // ''
units.getDefaultUnit('rotate');     // 'deg'
units.getDefaultUnit('rotate3d');   // 'deg'
units.getDefaultUnit('rotateX');    // 'deg'
units.getDefaultUnit('rotateY');    // 'deg'
units.getDefaultUnit('rotateZ');    // 'deg'
units.getDefaultUnit('skew');       // 'deg'
units.getDefaultUnit('skewX');      // 'deg'
units.getDefaultUnit('skewY');      // 'deg'
units.getDefaultUnit('scale');      // ''
units.getDefaultUnit('scale3d');    // ''
units.getDefaultUnit('scaleX');     // ''
units.getDefaultUnit('scaleY');     // ''
units.getDefaultUnit('scaleZ');     // ''
units.getDefaultUnit('lineHeight'); // ''

All other properties will return 'px', for example:

units.getDefaultUnit('width'); // 'px'


Server-side use is supported, though converting to/from the following units requires a browser environment: %, ch, em, ex, rem, vh, vmax, vmin, vw.


  1. Clone repo and npm install
  2. Make changes and ensure linting (gulp lint) & tests (gulp test) pass (combined task: gulp dev)
  3. Create distributable files (gulp dist) - combined dev + dist task: gulp

Use gulp watch to run linter and tests on each file change (equivalent to manually running gulp dev).