
Tools for use with building Android apps with Bazel

Primary LanguageStarlarkApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repository hosts tools for use with building Android apps with Bazel.


To use this with Bazel, add the following snippet to your WORKSPACE file:

TOOLS_ANDROID_VERSION = "0.1" # or the latest version

    name = "tools_android",
    strip_prefix = "tools_android-%s" % TOOLS_ANDROID_VERSION,
    url = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/tools_android/archive/%s.tar.gz" % TOOLS_ANDROID_VERSION,

load("@tools_android//tools/googleservices:defs.bzl", "google_services_workspace_dependencies")


Google Services XML

For an example of integrating with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), see this example.

Firebase Crashlytics support

To integrate Crashlytics into your Android app, follow the instructions in the README in the crashlytics directory.