
Yii2 extension to deal with Kazakhstan individual identification number

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status codecov PHP 5.6 PHP 7.0 PHP 7.1 PHP 7.2

Yii2 extension to deal with Kazakhstan personal identification number

It contains:

  • Both server-side and client-side validators
  • Helper to fetch data from identification number


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

$ php composer.phar require alexeevdv/yii2-kz-personalid "~1.0"

or add

"alexeevdv/yii2-kz-personalid": "~1.0"

to the require section of your composer.json file.



As standalone validator

use alexeevdv\kz\PersonalidValidator;

$validator = new PersonalidValidator;
$result = $validator->validateValue('123456789012');

In model

use alexeevdv\kz\PersonalidValidator;

public function rules()
    ['personalid', PersonalidValidator::class, 'message' => 'Wrong personalid value!'],


use alexeevdv\kz\PersonalidHelper;

$personalid = '850407301166';

/** @var \DateTime $birtdate = 1985-04-07 */  
$birtdate = PersonalidHelper::getBirthDate($personalid);

/** @var int $sex = PersonalidHelper::SEX_MALE */
$sex = PersonalidHelper::getSex($personalid);

/** @var string $serialNumber = 0116 */
$serialNumber = PersonalidHelper::getSerialNumber($personalid);