Yii2 extension to deal with Kazakhstan personal identification number
It contains:
- Both server-side and client-side validators
- Helper to fetch data from identification number
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
$ php composer.phar require alexeevdv/yii2-kz-personalid "~1.0"
or add
"alexeevdv/yii2-kz-personalid": "~1.0"
to the require
section of your composer.json
use alexeevdv\kz\PersonalidValidator;
$validator = new PersonalidValidator;
$result = $validator->validateValue('123456789012');
use alexeevdv\kz\PersonalidValidator;
public function rules()
['personalid', PersonalidValidator::class, 'message' => 'Wrong personalid value!'],
use alexeevdv\kz\PersonalidHelper;
$personalid = '850407301166';
/** @var \DateTime $birtdate = 1985-04-07 */
$birtdate = PersonalidHelper::getBirthDate($personalid);
/** @var int $sex = PersonalidHelper::SEX_MALE */
$sex = PersonalidHelper::getSex($personalid);
/** @var string $serialNumber = 0116 */
$serialNumber = PersonalidHelper::getSerialNumber($personalid);