
  • Note This project is an eshop app that is still in early development. Many features are not finished. It uses feature like angular-universal, ngx-translate, angular-material and more.

  • Design This project uses and modifies 'Euphoria,' a Figma template available in the Figma Community designed by Jhanvi Shah, which is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). You can see the original template here and the full license here Modifications to the original template have been made for this project.A big thank you to the author for making this available.


Angular cli

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 16.1.1.

Development server

Run npm start for a ssr dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:5600/. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.


add npm run deploy to hosting service to deploy.



  • High priority

  • Medium priorty

    • form loading status
    • add preview/demo banner
    • implement router-reuse for lang
  • Low priorty

    • add auto theme switch from device

Deployment notes

  • assets folder remove from git-ignore or resolve
  • add enviroment variables
  • Change @angular material imports if necesarry @use "@angular/material" as mat; @use "/node_modules/@angular/material" as mat;
  • add more languages
  • envirnoment
    • will be replaced by the set-env script with the host env, check file
    • in-memory-web-api when realDB remove by setting to false

Notes Useful

  • Styling

    • size: 1rem = 10px
    • stylelint: vs code recommended extension [stylelint.vscode-stylelint], also it is necessary sometimes to change in editor settings , "stylelint.validate": ["css", "scss"], in order for extension to work.
  • Translations

  • Hydration

    • hydration err: Some components may not work properly with hydration enabled due to some of the aforementioned issues, like Direct DOM Manipulation. As a workaround, you can add the ngSkipHydration attribute to a component's tag in order to skip hydrating the entire component. ""
    • hydration err the server dom and client dom need to be the same ex. mutating the dom direcctly in client will be diferent from the server dom, resulting in a DOM mismatch error
  • SsrCookieService

    • use SsrCookieCustomService instead because its a wrapper around SsrCookieService, and it has adition methods and cofiguration, first of all its set based on the user agreement.
  • in-memory-web-api

    • its used by default even in prod
    • it will intercept all http and interact if specific endpoint found