A.P. Skills Snake Game

A snake game which has the story of my current journey as a self-taught dev.

Tech Stack

Typescript ,Styled-Components, NextJs, Redux,

Live Demo

Version 0.5 Alpha https://ap-skills-snake-game.vercel.app/

To Do


  • onLoad game calculate one frame value to be subtracted from gameSpeed


  • getNextPos refactor
  • show current presed key in first block/game border, mby person position
  • high score/local storage
  • option -+ for responsive padding or scale
  • preloadedImagesObj types and nonNull
  • refactor/types utils
  • diferent aspect ratio for small devices
  • test for getAllStoryImagesId


  • skills should have diferent inside borders
  • make a favicon
  • page load resize to smallest sizes or loading effect
  • dont collect non desired items "stress/ procrastination, etc"
  • fontsource
  • color change based on collected items
  • sound effects
  • gameLayer refactor useEffects


  • snake can eat the last square of itself
  • snake should eat move and when move grow

Current working on

  • add zone for touch on mobile
  • ui size fix
  • calc img padding for stroke
  • show points in canvas
  • set height of ui bigger uISize: { x: 0, y: 0 },
  • make media querries if its too smal for mobile