
My Django default template

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Django Default Template

Default template for my personal/profissional Django projects Useful if you develop in Windows and deploy in Linux

IMPORTANT This project is public but many of the features it uses are loaded from private repositories so this won't work out-of-the-box.


django-admin.py startproject --extension=py,json --template=https://github.com/alexeiramone/django-default-template/archive/master.zip whatever
pip install -U -r requirements/local.txt
manage.py migrate
manage.py createsuperuser
manage.py loaddata fixtures.json
manage.py collectstatic --noinput

Where whatever is the projectname.

This will create (where you ran django-admin.py):



  • We use Mongoose 4.1 one folder above project_folder to serve media to every project. It's light, it works, it's standalone and Norton Antivirus nags like hell if try to use Mongoose 5.x
  • Postgresql database
  • Mailgun Backend config via django_mailgun
  • Database Name and Database Username are the project name's first 8 chars
  • Grappelli
  • Filebrowser
  • Some Filebrowser configurations based on largest Bootstrap 3 column widths
  • project_static folder, will be collected. We use it for site-specific assets like logo and CSS overrides (in alexei.css)
  • media/favicon - We use Realfavicongenerator.net and drop all stuff there. Original.png as used as folder placeholder but we always upload the logo original file there.
  • /templates/base.html - Extends from core.html (In AMDB's private repo)
  • /templates/index.html - Homepage
  • /templates/email_template.html - Simple sanitized email template, inherits from private repo too.
  • Sites framework: settings.local uses SITE_ID=2 and settings.remote uses SITE_ID=1


  • Spawns Mongoose preconfigured to this project's default media path
  • Spawns Django manage.py runserver
  • Spawns a Command Window if you need to call manage.py shell or something

Manual Overrides

  • settings/local.py - MAILGUN_ACCESS_KEY
  • settings/remote.py - everything worth looking at
  • Delete all void.txt files


  • 2015.10.01: django-grappelli>=2.6.0,<=2.6.9 because 2.6.x trunk belongs to Django 1.7.x;
  • 2015.10.27: Let's keep in Pillow>=2.8.1,<3.0.0 because I haven't tested 3.x yet;
  • 2015.10.27: Minor changes in DOCs;
  • 2015.10.27: Pytz 2015.6 is safe, LXML is ok;


  • Use env keys
  • Chance FileCache to Memcached new config
  • I18N deprecation: USE_I18N = True and django.core.context_processors.i18n
  • Requirements testing