
This repository contains ussuri version of OpenStack running in containers in usermode

Primary LanguageShell


This repository contains ussuri version of OpenStack running in containers in usermode

** Keystone First you need to spin up a mariadb container or a VM or whatever you like. Create a DB/User and GRANT the keystone user access to that DB

Once done, configure keystone.conf to use that database in the [database] section ( and do your thing in keystone.conf but this is the minimum you need to do)

Then you need to start a new rabbitmq container ( you don't actually need to do that for keystone but it would be a good idea to start doing this now anyway )

docker create --name rabbitmq-server --network host kolla/centos-binary-rabbitmq:ussuri rabbitmq-server
podman generate systemd rabbitmq-server > container-rabbitmq-server.service
# copy your container-rabbitmq-server.service to your systemd user directory, enable it and start it then execute the following
 docker exec -it rabbitmq-server rabbitmqctl add_user cinder cinder
 docker exec -it rabbitmq-server rabbitmqctl add_user keystone keystone
 docker exec -it rabbitmq-server rabbitmqctl add_user nova nova
 docker exec -it rabbitmq-server rabbitmqctl add_user glance glance
 docker exec -it rabbitmq-server rabbitmqctl add_user neutron neutron

Configure your keystone.config with something like that:


Next step would be to bootstrap the DB and create the needed fernet keys and credentials:

docker run -it --rm --network host -v $(pwd)/fernet-keys:/etc/keystone/fernet-keys -v $(pwd)/credential-keys:/etc/keystone/credential-keys aelshamouty/keystone-binary /bin/bash /bootstrap.sh

Make sure that fernet-keys and credental-keys are world-writeable ON YOUR machine. Or figure something else out :P

Last step would be to create two containers for admin and public keystone containers:

docker create -d --network host -v $(pwd)/fernet-keys:/etc/keystone/fernet-keys -v $(pwd)/credential-keys:/etc/keystone/credential-keys --name keystone-admin aelshamouty/keystone-binary /usr/bin/keystone-wsgi-admin --port 35357
docker create -d --network host -v $(pwd)/fernet-keys:/etc/keystone/fernet-keys -v $(pwd)/credential-keys:/etc/keystone/credential-keys --name keystone-public aelshamouty/keystone-binary /usr/bin/keystone-wsgi-public --port 5000

Done? All ok? Ok, you can now generate systemd files for your services ( or reuse the ones in the repo but just change the ID of the containers in them otherwise they won't work )

podman generate systemd keystone-public --files
podman generate systemd keystone-admin --files

Done? All good? Copy those files to your local systemd path for your own user, every distro has it's own stuff so figure yours out.

Start the services like this:

systemctl --user enable container-keystone-public.service
systemctl --user enable container-keystone-admin.service

systemctl --user start container-keystone-public.service
systemctl --user start container-keystone-admin.service

systemctl --user start container-keystone-public.service
systemctl --user start container-keystone-admin.service

Source the openrc file and use your openstack cli to query keystone :)

source openrc
openstack endpoint list --debug #Just so you can make sure that all is good 


You have to have mariadb docker started and running by now, change the name mariadb below to the same name of your container and run those commands

 docker exec -it mariadb mysql -u root -p -Nse 'create database glance;'
 docker exec -it mariadb mysql -u root -p -Nse "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON glance.* TO 'glance'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'glance';"

Now we need a user for glance it self and a place where this user has an admin role on, this is typically the 'service' project. This is basically a keystone project, we will be using this project accross all services so it makes sense that we call it service;

This will create a user

 openstack user create --domain default --password glance glance

This will create a project called service

openstack project create service

This will add the user glance as an admin to the service project

openstack role add --project service --user glance admin

Now we will add an image service entity to OpenStack:

openstack service create --name glance image

And now we wil use that service entity to add endpoints to THAT service, you need 3 endpoints, admin for admin, public and internal: Those endpoints provides differen APIs(usually) or middleswares for different purposes.

openstack endpoint create --region dev image public http://localhost:9292
openstack endpoint create --region dev image public http://localhost:9292
openstack endpoint create --region dev image public http://localhost:9292

Now you can build your docker image like before with keystone.

Once you are done with that, use that image and bootstrap your glance-api

docker run -it --rm --network host aelshamouty/glance-binary glance-manage db_sync

Now you can go ahead and create a container for your glance-api

docker create --name glance-api --network host aelshamouty/glance-binary:latest /usr/bin/glance-api --config-file /etc/glance/glance-api.conf
podman generate systemd glance-api > container-glance-api.service

Move the service to your local user systemd, enable, start.

Now try your image service:

openstack image list --debug