Alex's PingPong Game

Code Review 3, 3/11/2018

By Alex Talbott


This web app takes a number from a user and returns a range of numbers from 1 to the chosen number with the following exceptions:

  • Numbers divisible by 3 are replaced with "ping"
  • Numbers divisible by 5 are replaced with "pong"
  • Numbers divisible by 15 are replaced with "pingpong"

Check out the website in action here!

Application Specs

  • counting up to the number that is input

    • example input: 4
    • example output: 1 2 3 4
  • displaying ping for each number that is divisible by 3

    • example input: 4
    • example output: 1 2 ping 4
  • displaying pong if the number that is divisible by 5

    • example input: 5
    • example output: 1 2 ping 4 pong
  • displaying pingpong for each number that is divisible by 3 and 5

    • example input: 15
    • example output: 1 2 ping 4 pong ping 7 ... 14 pingpong

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Clone the repository
  • Open index.html
  • Adjust as necessary

Known Bugs

No known bugs at this time

Support and contact details

Reach out to me at with any questions.

Technologies Used

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript & JQuery

Copyright (c) 2018 atalbo LLC