
My plugins for VCV Rack

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Fruitsofkarma Modules

Some VCVRack modules



The 1024x16 Sequencer has a zoom window and pattern generator based on cellular automata algorithms.


  • Initial State (Top Bar): Set cells on the top bar. The last cell has 3 states; white means only 63 cells will be used to generate the pattern. Usefull for the Rule 90. The initial state can be cleared with the popup menu.
  • Rule: Pick a cellular automaton rule (0-255). The chosen rule is shown on the right side of the display.
  • Iter: Set the iteration count to generate pattern below 256 rows.
  • Left, Top, Width, Height: Control the active zone size and position in the overall view on the left side of the display.
  • Reset Button and Input: Reset all sequences.
  • FlipH, FlipV Buttons and Inputs: Flip pattern horizontally or vertically.
  • Init: Create a pattern based on initial state, Rule, and Iter settings.
  • Clock Input: Connect to external modules for synchronization.


  • EOS: End of sequence trigger output.
  • Trigger Output: Trigger signal output.
  • Gate Output: Gate signal output.

Polyphony: Polyphonic clock input splits the sequencer into multiple channels. For example, a 16x8 active zone with a single input gives a 1x128 sequencer. Connecting 8 channels creates exactly 16x8 sequencer configuration.



Probability quantizer with two scales with option to transit between one to another via their common pitches.

  • Use the small knobs to adjust the chance of each individual pitch in the selected scale.
  • The large probability knobs control the chance of unique pitches in the selected scale.
  • To switch between scales, turn both large probability knobs all the way down. This will give you only the common pitches in the new scale. Rotating a large probability knob will activate only pitches from the related scale, but won't change the result scale while the related knob is set to 0.

Demo: https://youtu.be/9zSbBmtnPxM



Oscillator with envelope generator option

Each of four subperiods of the waveform is generated using y = x^n and you can control n for each subperiod. In the envelope (Env) mode, the reset input works as trigger input.



Quadro mixer with 8 inputs with rotation option

Imagine a square with 4 outputs at the corners and 8 inputs located around the center of the square, the output level is calculated as the distance between each input and output.


  • Angle: Angle of rotation of inputs around the center
  • Radius In: radius of the input circle
  • Radius Out: radius of the output circle



Set of basic math operations You have 3 div operators, 3 mul operators, 3 pow operators and two ln, log2 and log10 functions.



Particle visualiser


  • Amount: amount of particles
  • Rotate: angle of rotation for particles + additional randomness parameter
  • Edges: number of edges + additional randomness parameter
  • Opacity: particle opacity + additional randomness parameter
  • Distort: distortion + another type of distortion
  • Stroke: stroke width + additional randomness parameter
  • Radius: radious of particle + additional randomness parameter
  • Rotate all: angle of rotation around center
  • Rot. speed: speed of rotation around center
  • X, Y - Center coordinates
  • Speed - speed of particles
  • Red, Green, Blue: shift color components