
Exposes instances from Spring Boot Admin in Prometheus service discovery readable format

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Spring Boot Admin Prometheus Service Discovery

Maven Central

This project offers a method to expose applications registered within Spring Boot Admin for Prometheus http service discovery.


SBAPSD is the perfect solution if you already have a setup with Spring Boot-based applications registered in Spring Boot Admin and want to introduce a monitoring stack based on Prometheus without manually adding each instance to the scrape configuration or setting up any other service discovery tool. Diagram

The library is tested with Spring Boot Admin v1, v2, v3.

provider type v1 v2 v3


As a standalone app

Grab a jar from the releases page:

  • v2 is based on Spring Boot 2 and requires Java 8
  • v3 is based on Spring Boot 3 and requires Java 17

and run it like so:

java -jar sbapsd-standalone-v2-0.0.6.jar
java -jar sbapsd-standalone-v3-0.0.6.jar

Standalone app is also available as GraalVM native binaries for linux and windows.

As a library combined with Spring Boot Admin Server

This option autoconfigures web provider to obtain instances via SBA's REST API. Additionally, it autoconfigures registry provider to obtain instances directly from SBA's InstanceRegistry.

  1. Add the sbapsd-server dependency
  1. Put the @EnableAdminServerServiceDiscovery annotation
public class App {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(App.class, args);

  1. Add config props - see Configuration section below
  2. Customize autoconfigured beans if necessary (see ServiceDiscoveryAutoConfiguration class)

As a library without Spring Boot Admin Server

This option only autoconfigures web provider to obtain instances via SBA's REST API.

  1. Add the sbapsd-server dependency

This library is based on Spring Boot and Reactive Stack (Reactor). It is also necessary to have spring web stack on classpath e.g. org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-webflux or org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web.

  1. Put the @EnableAdminServerServiceDiscovery annotation
public class App {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(App.class, args);

  1. Add config props - see Configuration section below
  2. Customize autoconfigured beans if necessary (see ServiceDiscoveryAutoConfiguration class)


Yaml example:

      type: web
        url: http://localhost:8091/api/applications # SBA v1
        static-label-1: val-1
      type: web
        url: http://localhost:8092/instances # SBA v2/v3
        - type: app-name
            value: app-[12]
      type: registry
        static-label-2: val2
        - type: status
            value: UP,DOWN

This example configures 3 providers. They can be queried individually:

GET http://localhost:8080/service-discovery/prometheus/server-1


    "targets": [
    "labels": {
      "__meta_discovery_app_name": "app-3",
      "__meta_discovery_provider_name": "server-1",
      "__meta_discovery_actuator_path": "/actuator",
      "static-label-1": "val-1"
    "targets": [
    "labels": {
      "__meta_discovery_app_name": "app-2",
      "__meta_discovery_provider_name": "server-1",
      "__meta_discovery_actuator_path": "/actuator",
      "static-label-1": "val-1"
    "targets": [
    "labels": {
      "__meta_discovery_app_name": "app-1",
      "__meta_discovery_provider_name": "server-1",
      "__meta_discovery_actuator_path": "/actuator",
      "static-label-1": "val-1"

GET http://localhost:8080/service-discovery/prometheus/server-2


    "targets": [
    "labels": {
      "__meta_discovery_provider_name": "server-2",
      "__meta_discovery_app_name": "app-2",
      "__meta_discovery_actuator_path": "/actuator"
    "targets": [
    "labels": {
      "__meta_discovery_provider_name": "server-2",
      "__meta_discovery_app_name": "app-1",
      "__meta_discovery_actuator_path": "/actuator"

Alternatively, it is possible to query all providers in a single call:

GET http://localhost:8080/service-discovery/prometheus

In this case results from all providers are merged in one list.


Root config

key type
providers* map


Configures the way of how to obtain instances either directly from instance registry or via web

key type
type* string: web/registry
params map
labels map
filters list

[server.params] (web)

Configures web connectivity

key type
url* url
username string
password string
insecure bool


Configures what instances should be exposed

key type
type* string: app-name/status
params map

[filter.params] (app-name)

Filters instances by spring.application.name

key type
value* string (regex)

[filter.params] (status)

Filters instances by status (UP, DOWN, OFFLINE, UNKNOWN, OUT_OF_SERVICE)

key type
value* string (comma-separated)

Prometheus configuration

In prometheus config it is possible to use specific server name or omit it to get merged list of instances from all the configured providers:

  • /service-discovery/prometheus/server-1
  • /service-discovery/prometheus

The service discovery component contributes a set of labels that can be used during the relabel phase:

  • __meta_discovery_app_name
  • __meta_discovery_actuator_path
  • __meta_discovery_server_name

The example config sets __metrics_path__ and app labels:

  - job_name: "spring"
      - url: http://localhost:8080/service-discovery/prometheus/server-1
      - source_labels: [ __meta_discovery_actuator_path ]
        target_label: __metrics_path__
        replacement: $1/prometheus
      - source_labels: [ __meta_discovery_app_name ]
        target_label: app