
Ajax-enabled sorting of html tables with Django

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

A Django app to add Ajax capabilities to django-tables2

This app is an enhancement for django-tables2. It adds Ajax capability to allow tables to be sorted and paged without reloading the entire page.



Install with pip:

pip install django-ajax-tables

Add django_ajax_tables to the settings.py installed_apps:



This app adds a new Django template tag {% ajax_table %}. This is a replacement for the django-tables2 {% render_table %} tag.

To implement the Ajax functionality you will need to add a view which returns the raw table html (example shown below). The {% ajax_table %} tag will use that html to render the table on the page. It will also configure the table sorting and pagination links to perform Ajax calls and in-place updates of the table. This will allow you to sort and page through the table without the entire webpage refreshing on each click.

This will not affect any LinkColumns that have been added to the table layout.


Create a django-tables2 table and wire it to a model as normal:

import django_tables2 as tables

class SimpleTable(tables.Table):
    class Meta:
        model = Simple

Create a view that exposes the table as raw html:

from django.http import HttpResponse
from django_tables2 import RequestConfig

def simple_view(request):
    simple_table = SimpleTable(Simple.objects.all())
    return HttpResponse(simple_table.as_html(request))

Create a url mapping for the view:

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^simple_url$', simple_view, name='simple_url_name'),

Place ajax_table tags where tables are to be displayed:

{% ajax_table "unique_div_id" "simple_url_name" %}


The ajax_table tag requires at least two parameters.

  • The first parameter is a unique id. This id should not used for any other element on the page. The ajax_table tag will create a div element with this id to contain the table.
  • The second parameter is the name of the url that is mapped to the table view.
  • Any additional non-keyword arguments will be passed as positional arguments to the url. If used this will prevent the passing of keyword arguments to the url.
  • The template keyword argument can be used to replace the django-ajax-tables javascript with custom javascript.
  • Any additional keyword arguments will be passed as keyword aguments to the url but only if there were no positional arguments passed to the url.

Example with positional arguments

{% ajax_table "unique_div_id" "simple_url_name" arg1 arg2 %}

Example with keyword arguments

{% ajax_table "unique_div_id" "simple_url_name" filter1=arg1 filter2=arg2 %}

Javascript API

The table loading function can also be caled direcly in javascript. This can be useful if the data needs to be refreshed. The function name will be in the form of update_<id> where <id> is the unique id parameter that was pased in to the ajax_table tag.

The function can take two optional parameters. The first parameter is a query string which will appened to the url. This defaults to an empty string. The second parameter is a url which will be used by the ajax call to fetch the table data. This defaults to the original url as created by the ajax_table tag.

Together these two parameters allow the table data to be loaded with different query parameters or from entirly different urls.