
MS2 project to build website using HTML, CSS and JS

Primary LanguageCSS




LinguaGames Logo



  1. UX Development

  2. Project Goals

  3. UX Requirements

  4. Developer's goal

  5. Users

  6. User Goals

  7. User Stories

  8. Design Choices

  9. Testing

  10. Testing User Stories from UX Section

  11. Bugs and De-bugging

  12. Version Control

  13. Project Deployment

  14. Credits

  15. Acknowledgements


UX Development

Language based memory game will help users to learn a new language in the relaxed, entertaining way.

As user, I have never enjoyed playing games that do not have a purpose. Therefore, as a developer, I have decided to create the game that will help purpose and will make users interested to play a game and to learn a new language.

The primary goal of the website is to make learning fun and inspire users to return to the game, as they progress.

Playing memory games can improve other brain functions, such as attention, concentration, and focus. Memory games give space to critical thinking and that helps children nurture their attention to detail. Memory games can improve visual recognition.

Project goals

The purpose of this project to create website to enable consumers to have fun interactive experience in learning of the new words. The website has to be easy to navigate with clear purpose of the buttons and screen space. The game has to provide the clear and safe framework for clients and to make the experience casual rather than requirement.

UX requirements

The website targets the individuals interested to learn or improve the knowledge of the foreign languages in the casual way, through the game experience. Present level of development offers only fail/win notification. Please see future implementations plan for more details of users progress measurement.

Developer's Goals

The site owner has the following goals:

  • To provide users with interactive and easy navigation learning process.
  • To encourage users to learn more
  • To provide platform with colours and fonts stimulating users experience.
  • To give users control over the game, by choosing of the language, initiating and resetting the game and timer.


Individuals interested to learn a new language with no age limitation.

User goals:

Person interested to learn basics of the new language has to learn 300-600 words to be to travel and 1000 words to be able to converse; the users goals is to identify application allowing them to have access to the application teaching them the most common words used in any language. Therefore, i have used the most common words used in English language

User Stories

- First Time Visitor Goals:

  1. As a visitor to the website, I want to easily understand the main purpose of the game.
  2. As a visitor navigate through the game
  3. As a visitor I want to have a clear rules, how to play.
  4. As a visitor want an easy way to contact developer.
  5. As a returning visitor to the website, I would like to have a choice of languages to learn or improve

- Returning Visitor Goals:

  1. Returning Visitor I would like to find more languages available and more difficulty levels.
  2. Returning Visitor I would like to find social community links.

- Frequent Visitor Goals: 1. Frequent Visitor i would like to see more challenges and alternative way of learning languages 2. Frequent Visitor I would like to see better way to interact with the game. 3. Frequent Visitor I would like to see competing board and possibility to compete with other players and friends.

Design Choices

When designing website I took inspiration for colours and fonts from the game Memory. The application is using colours and fonts scientifically proven to help users to learn and stimulate their cognitive functions.


I have used Google Fonts to determine the best fonts suitable for each part of the website, I.e. Logo, Menu and Body information.

I opted to use Open Sans font for my website, which is one of the most popular fonts used by major internet companies.

Top 10 Best Google Fonts


Icons used where provided by icons8, used in moderation and are self explanatory.


The colours were determined by the pallet of Cooler website:

  • For navbar navbar I used linear gradient of rgb(5, 57, 97),

and rgb(10, 105, 177);

  • For body background: rgb(55, 149, 93). Background

Features and Future Releases

View my wireframes here. It's one-page website with a number of modal windows. I used JS to hide windows and information to make sure users are not distracted by excessive information on the page. I placed only fixed navigation bar with Logo and menu, linking user to the rules of the game and contact modal, and cards to play with.

Translation API that translates seamlessly behind the scene English words into three languages. More languages can be implemented at any time

Features to implement:

  • To add bigger choice of languages;
  • To increase number and difficulty of words;
  • To create competition board.
  • To create virtual badges, stars and list of words learn during the session to measure the learning process.
  • To add links to social media to enable users to share their achievements.

Technologies Used

UX/UI design


Tools & Libraries


First time testing. I used an online tool, using ami.responsivedesign.is and Screenfly website to test website on various devices.

I’ve tested the CSS with CSS Validator which told me that there were mistake in different browsers attributes, which I removed.

Valid CSS!

The HTML I’ve tested with HTML Validator which gave me the positive results.

JS was tested on JSHint and missing semi columns fixed. Also as per Stack Overflow recommendations added /*jshint esversion: 6 */ at the top of JS folder.


I tried CSS Grid but eventually opted to use Bootstrap and Flexbox throughout the project to ensure maximum responsiveness. I have also checked if website is mobile friendly: Google Mobile-Friendly Test -

The verdict is the page is mobile friendly.

Further Testing

  • The Website was tested on Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge and Safari browsers.
  • The website was viewed on a variety of devices such as Desktop, Laptop, iPhone7, iPhone 8 & iPhoneX.
  • A large amount of testing was done to ensure that all pages were linking correctly, buttons working and user can send email to developer.
  • Friends and family members were asked to review the site and documentation to point out any bugs and/or user experience issues.

Testing User Stories from UX Section

- First time visitor testing:

  1. As a Visitor, I want to easily understand the main purpose of the site and learn more about the game.

  2. Upon entering the site, users are automatically presented with clear website consisting of the three blocks:

    • The main area of page presented with 12 cards with a logo of the game. User is not able to click on any of the cards until he press the start button.
    • Above the cards are four buttons to help user to interact and control the actions and response of the website, i.e. language choice dropdown menu, start/reset button, timer and sound on/off button. Start/Reset and Sound on/off buttons have dual functions and change colour once pressed. Timer changes the colour of the round bar giving user visual notification of time left.
    • Navigation bar - it simple bar that consist of the game logo and menu offering user to read rules of the game and to contact developer. The menu changes from text on desktops to icons on mobile devices. Rules and contact form presented in modal form and invisible to user, unless called upon by pressing relevant menu item.

- Returning and Frequent Users: Returning and Frequent Users will find the following functions once implemented in the future: - the possibility to follow other users; - the possibility to see the achievements of users they follow; - the possibility to share users achievements on social media.

Bugs and Debugging

During testing I found that all iOS users encountered a display glitch where the front-face cards do not show when the user touches a card to flip. Instead it momentarily displays the image then flips to the inverted back face card. no such problem was found on Galaxy devices. The game is developed as non commercial exercise and depends on free allowance of API provider, therefore errors might appear in console related to excessive calls to API and once free limit has been exhausted.

Version Control

  • Used Git for version control.
  • Branches were created to work on alternative grid layout.
  • The branches were then merged with the master branch after any conflicts were addressed.

Project Deployment

I built website using gitpod and GitHub to host the repository.

To deploy the website using GitHub Pages the following steps have to be made:

  • Open up and log in GitHub in the browser.
  • Select my repositories.
  • Navigate and open project to LinguaGames-Project-MS2
  • In the top navigation click on settings section.
  • Scroll down to the GitHub Pages area.
  • Select Master Branch from the Source dropdown menu.
  • Click to confirm your selection.
  • The page will refresh and and a link will appear in Github Pages area
  • Click on the link to deploy the project

Forking the GitHub Repository

By forking the GitHub Repository we make a copy of the original repository on our GitHub account to view and/or make changes without affecting the original repository by using the following steps...

  1. Log in to GitHub and locate the GitHub Repository
  2. At the top of the Repository (not top of page) just above the "Settings" Button on the menu, locate the "Fork" Button.
  3. You should now have a copy of the original repository in your GitHub account.

To clone this project from GitHub:

  1. At the top of repository press on Code button and copy either HTTPS or SSH link

  2. Paste the repository link directly into any editor you use with the command 'git clone'. For example:

    Type git clone and paste https://github.com/alexeykuz-sys/LinguaGames-Project-MS2.git


** Media**

The image for a game logo was taken from internet. Code I used various YouTube and website to get ideas and logic of the game. Memory Game and How to build memory game



I would like to thank:

  • My mentor, Femi for his guidance and advice on this project before submission.
  • Bim Williams for his support and guidance.
  • Slack Community for always being on-line to answer the questions and give moral support


The content on this website is for the purpose of this project only.