
Rails plugin that lets you save your crontab in your project, which is then published to your servers every time you deploy.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Powerful way to manage crontabs using capistrano.

Getting started

1) Add auto_cron to your Gemfile

2) In your capistrano deploy.rb file, add:

require “capistrano/auto_cron”

after “deploy:restart”, “auto_cron:publish”

3) If using ext/multistage: In deploy/production.rb, e.g. add:

set :auto_cron_templates, %w( publish production )

role :publish_crons, “cron-internal.example.com”

4) In config/auto_cron, add erb files corresponding to the files specified in step 3

e.g., config/auto_cron/publish.erb

# crons for production */5 * * * * cd /mnt/apps/mysite && bundle exec rake thinking_sphinx:index RAILS_ENV=<%= Rails.env %>

Advantages over other ruby cron managers

  • Uses crontab syntax, not a DSL that is going to get in your way

  • Uses ERB, everyone is familiar

  • Customize crons across environment

  • Crons are namespaced using application name specified in capistrano deploy file, so you can write crons for multiple apps to the same crontab without collision

Contributing to auto_cron

  • Contributions welcome, fork the project

Copyright © 2011 Alex Farrill. See LICENSE.txt for further details.