
list or open all changed/new files with a program (probably an editor)

Primary LanguageShell

List or edit all changed and new files with your favorite editor

Pretty good huh...


sudo make install

Will instaill in /usr/local/bin

PREFIX=/home/alex/.bin make install

Install to another prefix

Setup with vim (tabbed):

git config --add --global core.editor vim
git config --add --global plugins.dirty.options -p

Other usage:

all kinds of scripting I guess.

echo $(git dirty -l | grep -c .) files changed

I used to have an alias that essentially did this (that's the inspiration for this):

alias vimdirty="vim -p $(git dirty -l)"

useful for xargs-stuff (this example is stupid, dont actually use this):

alias build="git dirty -l | xargs -P4 -I% cp % /var/www/%"

another uesless example:

git dirty -t && echo There are uncommited changes