Dragon Ball Cloud is a game where the character will have obstacles that he will have to avoid by turning to the left or to the right, if he touches the obstacle the game is over.
- the game has a character that moves horizontally
- the obstacles appear randomly from the bottom of the screen
- add scoreboard
- put the name of the user
- sounds and music
- startGame(){}
- restartGame(){}
- spawningCloud(){}
- drawBackground(){}
- checkGokuCollision(){}
- gameLoop(){}
- drawClouds(){}
- cloudsMoveUp(){}
- splashScreen
- gameScreen
- gameOverScreen
- main - buildDom
- main - buildSplashScreen
- main - buildGameScreen
- main - buildGameOverScreen
- main - addEventListener
- game - startLoop
- game - drawCanvas
- game - drawBackground
- goku - draw
- goku - move
- clouds - draw
- clouds - move
- game - checkGokuCollision
- game - gameOver