
Useful commands

  • npm run dev runs both local host 3000 & 5000
  • client-install installs packages from client (React components) folder


Recommendation Station uses Spotify's API to make song recommendations based on the user's playlist.

Functionality & MVP

  • Users will be able to login through the Spotify API
  • Recommendaton Station can suggest individual songs
  • Can curate entire playlists based on the genres of the songs in the user's playlist
  • (BONUS) Eventbrite API will be used to alert users of nearby concert and shows by artists in their playlist

Technologies & Technical Challenges

Backend: MongoDB, Node, Express

Frontend: React

Accomplished over the Weekend

  • Researched Spotify API and obtained keys

  • Read documentation and watch tutorials for MERN stack technologies

    • MongoDB
    • Express
    • Node

Group Members & Work Breakdown

Alex Gonzalez and Sheldon Chan

Implementation Timeline

Day 1: Become familiar with the new technologies required for our app

  • Devote day studying MERN stack technologies

Day 2: Get started on the infrastructure of the project

  • Create a package.json TBD
  • Have a green webpack file TBD
  • Have boilerplate for React TBD

Day 3: Build backend

  • Build server with Node TBD
  • Create home page TBD

Day 4: Integrate Spotify API and start basic functionality

  • Fetch and render user's playlist TBD
    • Create index & index item components
  • Have application suggest a song to user TBD

Day 5: Build functionality of application

  • Have application create playlists for user TBD

Day 6: Sharpen presentation

  • Style application page TBD

Day 7: