This is a starter repo for JS and HTML projects to help meet 12 factor conformant applications. It includes:
- babel
- commitizen
- dotenv
- eslint
- flow
- husky
- prettier
- semantic-release
- stylelint
It also include some default files to get you started:
- .babelrc
- .browserslistrc
- .editorconfig
- .env
- .eslintrc.js
- .flowconfig
- .gitignore
- .stylelint
- some test files to make sure the linters, prettiers, and static type checkers are working properly.
Things like testing frameworks and CI platforms are not included by default so that you can choose your own.
NOTE: the Babel presets for Flow transforms come from ReactJS packages, so it should be good to go for React projects out of the box. It by default also sets up Babel for Webpacks' tree shaking.
When you use npm install, files specific to this starter will be cleaned up so you can get coding.
It favours:
- typed code
- defined code style for JS, HTML, and CSS (and prettifies code to meet it)
- controlled commits
- automatic versioning and releases
If you are using vs code, it provides a vs code workspace settings file which you can use to have them work out of the box. The extensions needed are:
- ESLint
- Flow Language Support
- Prettier
- Stylelint
If you don't want to use the file, or want to use them in your user settings, you'll need to disable the default validation for JS and enabled ESLint, disabled the default formatters for JS and CSS, and then make prettier integrate with ESLint and Stylelint.