
R Interface to Bank of Japan Time-Series Data Search

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The BOJfame package provides an R interface to the Bank of Japan’s Time-Series Data Search portal. Specifically, it allows users to download individual series codes directly from within R using exact series codes.

The name derives from the “famecgi2” script underpinning the BOJ’s database system; most likely this is a reference to the FAME database tool.

Install package

The package can be installed from Github.

install_github("stefanangrick/BOJfame")  # GitHub

Example usage

To import data, first load the package.


Next, we run the get_bojfame() function to download two data series. Note that data series need to be of the same frequency, otherwise an error is returned. In the example below, we download two daily-frequency time series. We use start_year and end_year to specify the desired date range.

bojdata <- get_bojfame(series_codes = c("FM01'STRDCLUCON", "IR01'MADR1Z@D"),
                       start_year = 1995, end_year = 2022)

The get_bojfame() function returns a list with a tibble data frame holding the actual data. Access the data using $data variable.

## # A tibble: 20,454 × 3
##    date       indicator       obs_value
##    <date>     <chr>               <dbl>
##  1 1995-01-01 FM01'STRDCLUCON     NA   
##  2 1995-01-01 IR01'MADR1Z@D        1.75
##  3 1995-01-02 FM01'STRDCLUCON     NA   
##  4 1995-01-02 IR01'MADR1Z@D        1.75
##  5 1995-01-03 FM01'STRDCLUCON     NA   
##  6 1995-01-03 IR01'MADR1Z@D        1.75
##  7 1995-01-04 FM01'STRDCLUCON     NA   
##  8 1995-01-04 IR01'MADR1Z@D        1.75
##  9 1995-01-05 FM01'STRDCLUCON     NA   
## 10 1995-01-05 IR01'MADR1Z@D        1.75
## # ℹ 20,444 more rows

Use $meta to access a tibble data frame holding relevant meta data.

## # A tibble: 9 × 3
##   Attribute            `FM01'STRDCLUCON`                         `IR01'MADR1Z@D`
##   <chr>                <chr>                                     <chr>          
## 1 Series code          FM01'STRDCLUCON                           IR01'MADR1Z@D  
## 2 Name of time-series  Call Rate, Uncollateralized Overnight, A… The Basic Disc…
## 3 Unit                 percent per annum                         Percent per an…
## 4 Statistical category Call Rate                                 The Basic Disc…
## 5 Observation          AVERAGED                                  END            
## 6 start of time-series 1998/01/05                                1882/10/11     
## 7 End of time-series   2023/07/05                                2023/07/05     
## 8 Frequency            DAILY                                     DAILY          
## 9 Notes                <NA>                                      <NA>

To plot the data using ggplot2, run the below.


bojdata$data <- mutate(bojdata$data,
                       indicator = recode(indicator,
                                          "FM01'STRDCLUCON" = "Call rate",
                                          "IR01'MADR1Z@D" = "Basic loan rate"))

ggplot(bojdata$data, aes(x = date, y = obs_value)) +
  geom_line(aes(colour = indicator)) +
  labs(title = "Interest rates", x = "Date", y = "%") +
  theme(legend.title = element_blank())

Note that BOJ data sets come with a number of different time formats. The zoo package (e.g. as.yearmon()) should be able to parse most formats.


This package is in no way officially related to or endorsed by the Bank of Japan. Please don’t abuse the BOJ’s servers with unnecessary calls.