
Basic DBMS application that creates block files similar to a hard disk and performs insertion/deletion using both primary and secondary indexes.

Primary LanguageC++

DBMS Data Structures & Algorithms

The goal of this project is to implement block-level algorithms and data structures to insert, search and delete entries in a database. The management of entries and indexes is performed with 3 different ways:

  1. Heap files (HP_lib)
  2. Static hashtable (HT_lib)
  3. Secondary hashtable (SHT_lib)

Each folder contains an executable to demonstrate the basic functionalities of the implemented data structures and algorithms. For each directory, the following commands can be used:

  • make : Creates the executable 'main' which is the demo of the respective data structure
  • make run : Creates and executes 'main'
  • make clean : Deletes all object and executable files