
Project running at www.firefox.com

Primary LanguagePythonMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Project running at www.firefox.com

Run the tests

$ make test

You may also run the tests against production (https://www.firefox.com), but there could be a number of failures if the latest version hasn't been pushed to production yet.

$ BASE_URL=https://www.firefox.com make test-external

Run the service locally

$ make run

Then open your browser to http://localhost:8080/healthz/ and you should see a page. The make test and make run commands will stop the old containers and build new ones every time. If you're just working with the content folder then you shouldn't need to restart to see your changes. You will need to restart the system for changes to the nginx.conf.

SSL Testing

To ensure that we're not changing ssl/tls settings between the existing www.firefox.com and our new setup, we're using the ssllabs command line tool to gather information about the websites.

Install SSL Labs

Download from, https://github.com/ssllabs/ssllabs-scan/releases the right architecture. I used v1.4.0 for this guide. Extract it, and place on your path (`/usr/local/bin/ssllabs-scan). Ensure that the bin can be executed, chmod +x. This is a go binary, so it should be ok to run after that.

To use

Set your BASE_URL environment variable to the website you're trying to test. export BASE_URL=https://www.firefox.com for example. Them, make test-ssl to just pull the ssl info. Or make test-all to download the info and test it. It will be a bit slow, so you'll want to do make test-external to repeat the test