Maybe the true Christmas was the bugs we found along the way?
- When using RegEx, don't forget to escape special characters
- Sets are useful for finding intersections/overlaps as well as subsets
- Python [start : end : stop] list notation
- Memoization: cache results of expensive operations
- Use primitive solutions to test advanced solutions
- Code snippets for efficient copy-pasting
- A number can be stored compactly if you modulo it by the least common multiple (lcm) of all the division operators that will be performed on it
- For path finding it does not matter if you travel from start to goal or from goal to start
- not None in Python evaluates to True
- Print statements slow down execution by a lot
- python -m cProfile -o
- snakeviz
- Function caching is especially effective with recursive functions
- In state space searches good heurestics are key to speeding up the search
- BFS usually requires more memory than DFS
- Read instructions VERY carefully and double check the code against the instructions VERY carefully. Don't try to simplify prematurely: if it asks to convert it to a list, then do that. Optimization can come later
- Beware of indices (start on 0 vs 1)
- Raise exceptions in all else cases just in case you forgot to handle it