
A python script for simple folder-based backups

Primary LanguagePython


A python script for simple folder-based backups


Program parameters are: 'backup', 'add', 'rm', 'list', 'clear', 'help'

./backup.py + backup: backs up all listed directories ./backup.py + add: adds directory to the list ./backup.py + rm: removes directory from the list ./backup.py + list: lists all directories to be backed up ./backup.py + clear: clears all listed directories

The script makes a "dirs.txt" file in the folder it's run from, storing any given directory by the 'add' command.

It makes a .zip file, named after the time it was created, containing the folders in the 'dirs.txt' file.


Use this program at your own risk! It hasn't been tested on a variety of hardware and/or operating systems.


This script comes free of any licence, you can freely modfify and use it. Consider leaving a credit if you do!