Advanced Test - Programming Basics

Task 1 - Key Value Pairs

  • Create an object called profileData that represents a user
  • The object should have 4 keys: firstName, lastName, age and city
  • Use values of your choice for each key

Task 2 - Object method

  • Add a new property to the profileData object called details. This property is a method that returns a string describing the user like in the example below:


    Expected Output:

    Jess Smith is 30 years old and lives in Berlin

Task 3 - Word Converter

  • Create a function called wordConverter

  • The function has two parameters:

    • words: an array of words
    • suffix: a string
  • Inside the function, use an array method to add the suffix to the end of all the words in the array

  • Important: Do not use a a for loop and forEach to complete this task

  • Look at the expected output below.


    let adjectives = ["smart", "kind", "sweet", "small", "clear"];

    Call your function and print the returned value to the console.

    Expected output

    > console.log(wordConverter(adjectives, "er"));
    [ 'smarter', 'kinder', 'sweeter', 'smaller', 'clearer' ]

Task 4 - Hour Calculation

  • Create a function called calculateHours

  • the function has one parameter:

    • hours: an array of objects containing a day, start and end hour, describing the working hours of a single person (see example below)
  • the function calculates and returns how many hours (total) this person worked in the week based on the items in the given array

  • Note: Assume that start is always morning time, end is always afternoon. (No overnight shifts to be expected)

    Example array of Working Hours

    const hourTracking = [
        { day: 'Monday', start: 8, end: 17},
        { day: 'Tuesday', start: 9, end: 15},
        { day: 'Wednesday', start: 10, end: 18},
        { day: 'Thursday', start: 7, end: 14},
        { day: 'Friday', start: 6, end: 12},

    Call your function and print the return value to the console.

    Expected Output

    > console.log(calculateHours(hourTracking));

Task 5 - Classes

  • Create a class called Course to represent a course at DCI

  • Add a constructor to initialize the properties in the given order.

  • Class properties:

    • teacher: a string with the name of the teacher
    • type: a string to specify the type of the course. For example, "web development"
    • number: a number to specify how many students are taking the course
  • Class methods:

    • spaceNeeded(): calculates and returns a number how big a classroom should be depending on the number of students taking the course and returns that value. Assume that for each student 2m² are necessary.
      • For example:
        • for a class of 10 students the return value would be 20
        • for a class of 25 students, the return value would be 50
    • details(): returns a string describing the course, for example: "This is a web development course taught by John Smith. There are 10 students taking the course."
      • fill in the teacher, type and number from your class properties.
  • Create an instance of your class, and test the different methods printing their result to the console

    Example: for an instance with teacher John, type web development and a number of 22 students

    > console.log(course.spaceNeeded());
    > console.log(course.details());
    This is a web development course taught by John. There are 22 students taking the course.

Task 6 - Input validation

  • A PIN is a Personal Identification Number (as you are used with bank cards and unlocking your mobile phone)

  • Create the function validPin

  • The function should return true or false if the PIN satisfies all the requirements below or not:


    • The pin code must consist of only numerical digits
    • The pin code must be 4 digits long
    • The pin code's last digit should be even (0, 2, 4, 6, 8)
    • The first digit of the pin code should be different from the last one
  • The function should return:

    • true: if the PIN code satisfies all the requirements
    • false: if even a single requirement is not satisfied
  • Call your function with some examples, and print the return values to the console


    > console.log(validPin("1234"));
    > console.log(validPin("1235"));// last number should be even
    > console.log(validPin("12ww"));// should only consist of numbers
    > console.log(validPin("12.4"));// should only consist of numbers
    > console.log(validPin("-234"));// should only consist of numbers
    > console.log(validPin("12345"));// should be 4 digits, not 5
    > console.log(validPin("2222"));// first and last digits should be different
    > console.log(validPin("2224"));