
The repository contains the unofficial translations of CRediT

CRediT translations

The repository contains the unofficial translations of CRediT. The translations are primarely stored formatted according to a json-schema created specifically for this project to ensure machine-readability. The human-readable markdown formatted translations are generated automatically from the json files and can be viewed on the Contributorship Collaboration's website at https://contributorshipcollaboration.github.io/.

Each translation was provided by volunteers whose names are listed in the licenses besides each translation file.


Everyone is welcomed to contribute to the project by providing a new translation or proposing changes to the existing translations. If you would like to contribute please contact Marton Kovacs at marton.balazs.kovacs at gmail.com. When uploading a new translation please:

  • Ensure that you follow our translation schema that can be found in credit_translation_schema.json
  • You can validate your json file with the new translation against our schema at https://www.jsonschemavalidator.net/
  • Fork the repository, clone it, and create a branch for your translation
  • Create a subdirectory for your translation in the tranlsations/ directory using the ISO 639-2 language code of the translated language
  • Add the json file containing your translation to the subdirectory you've just created
  • Add an X license with your and your collaborators name to the subfolder containing the translation
  • Create a pull request and add Marton Kovacs and Alex Holcombe as reviewers to the request