
Speed limits, and relation to temporal freq limits on attentional tracking. VSS2014

Primary LanguageR


Speed limits, and relation to temporal freq limits on attentional tracking.

  • rawdata123targets269objects
  • postVSS_13targets2349objects
  • experiment2_methodAdjust

These experiments will likely be published in the same paper as the off-center and diamond-versus-circle experiments, which are analysed in a different repository: newTraj_repo/experiment-specific

doAllAnalyses.R in analyseExps folder is the main analysis, which calls various other files.

Before that, loadAnonymiseSaveData.R scripts in subdirs of analyseExps folder takes the raw data with identities and anonymises it, spits it into top-level data subdirectory. It is these anonymised files that doAllAnalyses etc analyse.

Seems to all be working, except maybe model limits.