Pollution Data Microservice

This microservice returns pollution data gathered from the OpenWeatherMap API based on a given latitude and longitude.

NOTE: You must run node install before running the first time.

To start the service, just run:

node index.js

By default, it runns on port 5000. A valid OpenWeatherMap API key must be provided in index.js.

Requesting Data

Requests can be made to the service via GET request. The endpoint is located at:


The service takes two parameters:

lat - Latitude

lon - Longitude


curl "http://localhost:4000/api/get-pollution-data?lat=39.9598876&lon=-75.1664401"

A live demo of the service is available at:


Receiving data

Requests to the above endpoint will receive a response in JSON containing the AQI for the specified location, along with measurements of of common pollutants.


  "aqi": 3,
  "co": 720.98,
  "no": 34.87,
  "no2": 55.52,
  "o3": 0.01,
  "so2": 4.95,
  "pm2_5": 31.7,
  "pm10": 39.97,
  "nh3": 2.31

UML Diagram

UML Diagram of App