
Import UI5 modules into NodeJS applications, allowing isolation of UI5 components and injection of dependencies to create an isolated test environment.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Import UI5 modules into NodeJS applications, allowing isolation of UI5 components and injection of dependencies to create an isolated test environment.


  • NodeJS, version 8.0 or higher


Install at your Node.js project:

$ npm install @ui5/simple-require --save-dev


When importing UI5 modules, there are few things to consider, the two major things that need to be resolved are SAP's Global Context and Dependency Lookup. This tool provides ways to inject both dependencies based on their path as well as properties that will be injected in global context when the module is loaded.

Require UI5 Modules

ui5require will load modules that are in sap.ui.define style. For example, suppose you have the following UI5 module:

sap.ui.define([], function() {
  const myClass = function() { /* CODE */ };
    /* CODE */
  return myClass;

When running the import code:

const ui5require = require('ui5-module-loader').ui5require;
const MyClass = ui5require('./myUI5Class.js');

var myObject = new MyClass();

The constant variable MyClass will contain the constructor function.

Resolving Dependencies

Suppose a similar module now with defined dependencies.

sap.ui.define(['/path/to/Dependency'], function() {
  const myClass = function(Dependency) { /* CODE */ };
    /* CODE */
  return myClass;

Dependencies will be resolved in the following order:

  • Position injected
  • Path injected
  • Loaded

Position Injected

const MyClass = ui5require('./myUI5Class.js', [ new FakeDependency() ]);

Path Injected

Injecting by path will create a virtual path lookup. Where, whenever a dependency is required, it will first look at this injected path.

const moduleLoader = require('ui5-module-loader');
const ui5require = moduleLoader.ui5require;

moduleLoader.inject('/path/to/dependency', new FakeDependency);
const MyClass = ui5require('./myUI5Class.js');


When no injection methods are passed, module loader will try to load the module by its path. Meaning that if a file that matches /path/to/Dependency is found in the path, the original dependency is loaded.

Injecting Global Dependency

Injecting a global dependency works similar to injecting dependencies. A global lookup is created for whenever a new module is loaded a global context is injected.

const moduleLoader = require('ui5-module-loader');
const ui5require = moduleLoader.ui5require;

moduleLoader.globalContext({ someValue: "custom value" });
const MyClass = ui5require('./myUI5Class.js');

The injected object will be under global.sap object. Such as:

// ... ui5 module
sap.someValue; // evaluates to "custom value"


Using mocha and chai for writting unit tests.

// MoneyChanger.js
sap.ui.define(["./coin", "./note", "./CurrencyServer"], function(Coin, Note, CurrencyServer) {
	var MoneyChanger = function() {};

	MoneyChanger.prototype.getChange = function(i) {

	return MoneyChanger;

// MoneyChangerTest.js
const expect = require('chai').expect;

const API = require('ui5-module-loader');
const ui5require = require('ui5-module-loader').ui5require;

API.inject('/src/main/webapp/money/CurrencyServer', FakeCurrencyServer);

const MoneyChanger = ui5require('/src/main/webapp/money/changer');
const Note = ui5require('/src/main/webapp/money/note');
const Coin = ui5require('/src/main/webapp/money/coin');

describe("Should test money changer", () => {

  let changer;

  beforeEach(() => {
    changer = new MoneyChanger();

  it("Should create money changer class", () => {
  it("Should get one coin from value 1", () => {
    expect(changer.getChange(1)).to.be.deep.equal([ new Coin(1) ]);

  it("Should get one note from value 2", () => {
    expect(changer.getChange(2)).to.be.deep.equal([ new Note(2) ]);  

  it("Should get one note and one coin from value 3", () => {
    expect(changer.getChange(3)).to.be.deep.equal([ new Note(2), new Coin(1) ]);

  // ...



ui5require(path [, position_dependencies] [, global_context])

  • path <string>
  • position_dependencies <Array>
  • global_context <Object>
  • Returns: <Object> Loaded Module.

inject(path, dependency)

  • path <string>
  • dependency <Object>


Deletes any dependencies passed with inject


  • context <string>


Deletes any global object passed with globalContext(...)


  • prototype <Object>
  • Returns: <Object> prototype with UI5's fake extend method.


  • prototype <string>
  • Returns: <Object> class with UI5's fake extend method.

[DEPRECATED] import(path [, position_dependencies] [, global_context])

  • path <string>
  • position_dependencies <Array>
  • global_context <Object>
  • **Returns: ** <Object> Loaded Module.

How to obtain support

If you think you found a bug or need help using the module, please create a new github issue.

This project is provided "as-is", with no expected changes or support.


Copyright (c) 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This file is licensed under the Apache Software License, v. 2 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.