
A library that provides access to ISO standards, including ISO 639 (language codes), ISO 3166 (country codes), and ISO 4217 (currency codes). Countries, languages and currencies.

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A library that provides access to ISO standards, including ISO 639 (language codes), ISO 3166 (country codes), and ISO 4217 (currency codes).

NuGet version (ISOLib) ISOLib NuGet Downloads


Language lang = Languages.Collection["eng"];
if (lang == Languages.ENG || lang == Languages.KIR)

Country[] countries = Countries.Collection.Where(c => c.Name[0] == 'A').ToArray();
foreach (Country country in countries)
   Language[] langs = country.GetLanguages();
   Currency[] currencies = country.GetCurrencies();
   string langsColumn = string.Join(',', langs.Select(l => l.Name));
   string currenciesColumn = string.Join(',', currencies.Select(l=>l.Alpha3));

Currency[] supportedCurrencies = Currencies.FilterCurrencies("USD", "KGS", "RUB");
foreach (var currency in supportedCurrencies)


Country model

class Country
    public string Alpha2 { get; }
    public string Alpha3 { get; }
    public string Name { get; }
    public string Name2 { get; }
    public string NativeName { get; }
    public string Capital { get; }
    public string CountryCode { get; }
    public string Continent { get; }
    public string ContinentAlpha2 { get; }
    public string Wiki { get; }
    public string Flag { get; }
    public int[] Phones { get; }
    public string[] Currencies { get; }
    public string[] Languages { get; }

Language model

class Language
    public string Alpha2 { get; }
    public string Alpha3 { get; }
    public string Name { get; }
    public string Name2 { get; }
    public string NativeName { get; }
    public string Family { get; }

Currency model

class Currency
  public string Name { get; }
  public string Alpha2 { get; }
  public string Alpha3 { get; }
  public string Number { get; }
  public int MinorUnit { get; }

List of Countries

Alpha-2 Alpha-3 Name Capital Continent Phone Codes Currency Codes Languages Flag Wikipedia
AF AFG Afghanistan Kabul Asia +93 AFN ps, uz, tk 🇦🇫 Link
AX ALA Åland Islands Mariehamn Europe +358 EUR sv 🇦🇽 Link
AL ALB Albania Tirana Europe +355 ALL sq 🇦🇱 Link
DZ DZA Algeria Algiers Africa +213 DZD ar 🇩🇿 Link
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

List of Languages

Alpha-2 Alpha-3 Name Native Name Family
aa aar Afar Afar Afro-Asiatic
ab abk Abkhaz Аҧсуа Northwest Caucasian
ae ave Avestan avesta Indo-European
af afr Afrikaans Afrikaans Indo-European
... ... ... ... ...

List of Currencies

Alpha-3 Name Number Minor Unit
AED United Arab Emirates dirham 784 2
AFN Afghan afghani 971 2
ALL Albanian lek 8 2
AMD Armenian dram 51 2
... ... ... ...