Debian Live-Build


# apt install live-build
# apt install squashfs-tools live-boot live-config live-boot-initramfs-tools live-config-sysvinit xorriso isolinux


$ mkdir live
$ cd live
$ lb clean

Auto generated folders:

  • auto
  • config
  • locate
$ cd auto

Create a file config or copy the file config from Git.

Next step

$ cd auto
$ chmod 700 config (**fix)
$ cd ..
$ lb config
$ lb build

** Typical error W: The auto-config script exists but is not executable, ignoring. P: Updating config tree for a debian-bullseye-amd64 system

⚠ Every time fixed a error

$ lb clean
$ lb build

Desktop Environment

Interactive shell :

(live):# tasksel --list-tasks
(live):# tasksel install xfce-desktop

Wait the (live) shell

(live):# exit

⭕ Used installation software Calamares

Structure of the folders

├── auto                        #main live-build configuration
├── config
│   ├── archives                #package mirrors/repositories
│   ├── hooks                   #extra scripts to run during build stages
│   ├── includes.binary         #files to include on the ISO filesystem
│   ├── includes.chroot         #files to include in the live system's filesystem
│   ├── includes.installer      #files to include in the installer's filesystem
│   ├── package-lists
│   │   └── *.list.chroot	#packages to install on the live system
│   │   └── *.list.binary	#packages to place in the APT repository on the ISO image
│   ├── packages.chroot         #standalone .deb packages to install on the live system
│   └── task-lists              #tasksel tasks to install on the live system
├── doc			        #user documentation
├── Makefile	                #main automation, dependencies management, ...
└── scripts		        #extra automation scripts