
Dating files with Exif data and folderize them

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Dating files with Exif data and folderize them

Why ?

For people like me who have thousands of thousands pictures but don't have time to sort them one by one 😅


  • Linux : Of course, tested on Xubuntu
  • Mac OSX : Surely, but not tested
  • Windows : I think it certainly works... If you install Ubuntu on it ^^


To install exif-dating, you'll need to install ExifTool first which is a Perl library for reading meta informations of files.

  • Ubuntu :
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libimage-exiftool-perl
  • Mac :
brew update
brew install exiftool
  • Ubuntu on Windows : :trollface:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libimage-exiftool-perl


Go to the folder where you want exif-dating installed, then :

git clone https://github.com/ripso/exif-dating.git
cd exif-dating
npm install
sudo npm link


exif-dating <path>

Date files in <path> folder with Exif data and sort them in dated folders

      --version   Show version number                                  [boolean]
      --help      Show help                                            [boolean]
  -m, --month     Add month to the path
  -d, --day       Add day to the path
      --modified  Fallback to file modification date


You have a folder <sourceFolder> which contains files you want to folderize by date. In a CLI, type :

exif-dating <sourceFolder> [options]

And it's done ! 🎉