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Kubernetes Webhook Token Authenticator for GitLab

kube-gitlab-authn implements GitLab webhook token authenticator using go-gitlab to allow users to use GitLab Personal Access Token to access Kubernetes cluster. It is based on the work of kubernetes-github-authn, please refer to the original README for the GitHub webhook token authenticator's design and implementation.


  • Support user kubernetes cluster authentication using GitLab personal access token
  • Map GitLab users to kubenenetes users
  • Map GitLab groups to Kubernetes groups
  • Support RABC based authorization

How to use

Run the authenticator as DaemonSet

  • Start the authenticator as DaemonSet on kube-apiserver:

    kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xuwang/kube-gitlab-authn/master/manifests/gitlab-authn.yaml

    Confirm that the authenticator is running:

    kubectl get pod -l k8s-app=gitlab-authn -n kube-system

Or Run the authenticator as a systemd unit

Here is an example of gitlab-authn systemd unit. This service should run on all master nodes, i.e. along side with kubernetes api-servers.

Make sure to set the GITLAB_API_ENDPOINT to your gitlab server in the gitlab-authn.service file.

Configure kube-apiserver

For kube-apiserver to verify bearer token with this authenticator, there are two configuration options need to be set:

  • --authentication-token-webhook-config-file a kubeconfig file describing how to access the remote webhook service.
  • --authentication-token-webhook-cache-ttl how long to cache authentication decisions. Defaults to two minutes.

Check the example config file and save this file in the Kubernetes master. Set the path to this config file with configurion option above.

For example, lines related to the authentication and authorization for kube-apiserver:

--authorization-mode=RBAC \
--authentication-token-webhook-config-file=/var/lib/kubernetes/kube-gitlab-authn.json \

Authorization with role-based access control (RBAC)

Kubernetes support multiple authorization plugins. Please refer the Kubernetes documentation about configuring kube-apiserver to use RBAC authentication mode.

Assuming you already have an admin user with cluster role configured in your kubecfg. With this admin credential, you can assign roles to other users.

  • Distribute your cluster's ca.pem to users who need to access the cluster. Here is a extract_kubecfg_cert.sh to help you to extract cluster ca cert from kubecfg.

  • Assign user johndoe admin role to namespace gitlab

kubectl create namespace gitlab
kubectl create rolebinding johndoe-admin-binding --clusterrole=admin --user=johndoe --namespace=gitlab
  • Assign user johndoe admin role to the cluster in all namespaces:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding johndoe-admin-binding --clusterrole=admin --user=johndoe

Generate kubecfg for user

User johndoe now can generate kubecfg file in $HOME/.kube directory using his GitLab Access Token. Here is a generate-kubecfg.sh to help to configure kubecfg.


If the token is incorrect or the authenticator is not working:

kubectl get pods
error: You must be logged in to the server (the server has asked for the client to provide credentials)

If it works, you should get a list of pods in kubernetes cluster.