
Used components

  • - A set of small, responsive CSS modules
  • php 8.1
  • apache2
  • ffmpeg
  • .NET 7
  • NAudio
  • C# 8


Simply run the script '' to automatically build and deploy the self-contained binaries to alex-ocean server.

For more info refer to Supported RID

Setup Linux Environment

/opt └── [drwxrwxr-x aisayenko aisayenko] audio-dictionary /srv └── [drwxrwxrwx www-data www-data] audio-dictionary /var/www/ └── [drwxr-xr-x www-data www-data] html └── [drwxrwxrwx www-data www-data] results


  • css styles for the website
  • guids for generated mp3 dicitonaries
  • if _us_1 does not exist, try _us_2 autuomatically
  • restrict max lines
  • amend deploy script to deploy also the website
  • add support german russian dicitonary
  • add support for german articles in front
  • add support for german single-plural dictionary
  • display data to diffirentiate betweem releases. E.g. auto increment release/build number and display somewhere in php page.
  • add support for multiple meanings (объект, предмет, вещь = der Gegenstand)
  • add backend support for specifying langugaes: EnRu, RuDe, etc
  • add frontend support for specifying langugaes: EnRu, RuDe, etc
  • add images, styles of page
  • add audiopattern to generate vocabulary: Ru.Pause.Pause.En.En.En.En.En.Pause.Pause.Pause
  • add logging