
Go tournament simulator using Python with a GUI and Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS)

Primary LanguagePython

Software Construction (CS393) Fall 2019

GO Tournament simulator

The game of GO is a board game played between two opponents on a 19x19 grid. The code in this repository achieves the following high-level list:

  • Allows two players to play the game of GO
  • Players can be in the following modes:
    • Game AI (both simple and complex strategies)
    • Network player (socket)
    • Local player (on the host computer)
  • The simulator is started by the game administrator
  • Games are administered by a referee that enforces the rules of GO:
    • Checks player turns are valid - valid position and no repetition
    • Removes any stones from the board that have no liberties
  • Manages tournaments between multiple players in the following modes:
    • Cup (Single-Elimination)
    • League (Round-Robin)
  • Provides a GUI for viewing the progress of the game - implemented solely by @wellykachtel
  • Implements a Monte Carlo Tree Search player - implemented solely by @alexisbdr

Instructions for playing the game

To run a local test see 'testrun' - this will start both the game administrator and a remote network referee Starting a tournament: see 'run'. Argument 1 is the tournament mode "cup" or "league". Argument 2 is the number of players in the tournament.

Software Design Patterns

Apart for building a fully functional (and extensively tested) GO Simulator the point of this class was to teach us re-usable and functional design patterns, here are a couple of my favorites mostly around players:

  • Proxy Design Pattern:
    • Network players are handled by a proxy player that handles the socket connection and asks the network player to make moves. The game referee doesn't know which players are on the network or not
    • Multiple Player Proxies:
      • State Checking Proxy player
      • Type Checking Proxy player
  • Abstract factory
    • Different types of players are generated from the PlayerFactory2:
      • GUI Players
      • Network Proxy player
      • MCTS Player
      • Default local player
  • Strategy Pattern
    • Players are given a PlayerStrategy that is randomly chosen allowing to play in many different ways

File Structure

The up-to date and most recent code is in Deliverables/10/10.1


CI testing is done through Travis CI - see makefile for travis build instructions


Kelly Wachtel

Alexis Baudron