
Explorations into Computer Vision / AI Art [Interactive - Hopefully]

Primary LanguagePython

Digital Interaction Projects

Motivation, Idea and Driving Principles

Motivation & Idea: Use Computer Vision and AI to create enriching experiences for people to interact with cameras and digital displays.

Driving Principles:

  • Attribution: this might be the most important driving principle, I want everyone to understand where I get my ideas from, art by definition is copying. We get our ideas from the world around us. A lot of AI and Computer Vision has been reversing attribution and I applaud the efforts of some (e.g https://www.stableattribution.com/) on trying and reverse this.
  • Have Fun
  • Involve people

Long term vision is to have this set-up at parties that we throw or that our friends throw, it should be a robust experience enchancer. Just as lazers and light shows can be so much fun, I want interactive digital art to be a new dimension we can add to parties for people to have fun.

Organization of the repo

** utils Common utilities to all projects such as loading/saving images, async processing pipelines, etc...

** data Any relevant data used for the projects ** Project xx00 Each project will have it's own folder. In each folder you can find an idea.txt file which will state the project idea and point to some available wireframes

Documentation of ideas

We could use notion as a database of links and images for better visual understanding. Github only will be limiting.

Author: Alexis Baudron