
A custom module that allows you to run some DNS lookup on Ansible executing hosts easily.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


ansible-module-dig is a custom Ansible module allowing you to run DNS lookup operations from remote Ansible hosts, and returns a list of the resolved IP(v4) addresses per name. The dig module may also be configured to parse the hosts' /etc/hosts file before performing any lookup operation.

This module can thus be used to both:

  • resolve one or multiple hostname(s);
  • assert whether or not one or multiple hostname(s) can be resolved (module will fail if a hostname cannot be resolved to at least one address).

dig module vs. Ansible lookup('dig', ... )

Make sure to know what you're doing before using this module! The official way for running DNS lookups in Ansible is by using the dig lookup.

Main issue using lookup filters, like all templating, is that it is evaluated on the Ansible control machine, and not the targeted host. This could cause unexpected side effects when running your Ansible plays in complex networking environments or deployment scenarios, where your control machine can resolve all hosts of your cluster, but hosts cannot (e.g., running your configuration plays through an external management network or in offline or highly secured network environments).

This Ansible dig module fills this gap by executing lookups from the remote hosts directly.

Getting started


The below requirements are needed on the host that execute this module.

  • dnspython for Python.


The "Ansible role" way

  • Clone this repository to your Ansible role_path, or install via ansible-galaxy;
    ansible-galaxy install alexisfacques.ansible_module_dig
  • Import the role in your playbooks before running any role or task that require the dig module:
    - hosts: all
        - alexisfacques.ansible_module_dig
        - name: Ensure google.com can be resolved
            qtype: A
            name: google.com
          register: dig_result

The "Ansible library" way

Alternatively, if importing a role is too much of a hassle, you can store this module in the library directory defined in your ansible.cfg file (Default is a sub-directory called library in the directory that contains your playbooks):

library = /path/to/your/library



Parameter Choices/Defaults Comments
Indicates what type of query is required: ANY, A, MX, SIG... Type can be any valid query type.
- string | list / required
The name(s) of the resource(s) that is to be looked up.
- string | list
The name(s) or IPv4 address(es) of nameserver(s) to use.
with_etc_hosts Choice:

Whether or not the module should try to resolve the name using the host's /etc/hosts file(s) prior to running any lookup operation.

Return values

Key Returned Description
addresses On success if all names have been resolved to at least 1 IPv4 address. A 2D array of IPv4 addresses to each of the looked up name.

Example of use

Examples of use can be found here.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.